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I will continue updating the story,,, and you fuckmechanyeol  I wonder why you insult me and voting at the story at the same time I think you are sick in your head.

Baek Hyun's pov.

Just leave

No tae,, he went down on his knees and he was begging me

Okay chanyeol I will just forget everything but now I don't want you to work at my office

I had a plan in my mind

You will take care of Jenifer's son

What no way

Okay leave it I don't have time to waste

No okay then

Let me see how you are going to carry our son,,,, let me see how you are going to treat him I thought to myself

What about us

You Will cook for my servants,, I think they are tired

No way

Leave if its difficulty

No  we can do it then


Jenifer bring your son here and give this tall guy

Okay  ma'am tae

I went inside the swimming pool again

Chanyeol's pov.

How dare he tells me to be a nanny,,

That child will get it from me,,,

That woman gave me that child and the child was smiling at me

Don't dare smile at me you brat,,,,  I have a daughter I should take care of and not you,,, I don't care if you are young,,  I will have to teach you a lesson,,,

Hubby he is too much

Don't mind lets get rid of this child


My parents went to kitchen and my sis and wife

I was left with the child   I put him on the son when I heard what is wrong with you,,,,

I was so shocked


Tae took the child in his arms,,,

You can't be angry on the innocent child you have a daughter too what if she was the one,,, but why am I even explaing to you,,,, to you am bitter but I won't let you hurt this child

He carried the child inside

He is right I shouldn't have done that to that child,,   but wait that child looks like me when I was small

But I never slept with Jenifer that means that child looks like me because I am handsome,,,

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