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          "HAHAHA It's more fun here anyway"!!!

                 After collecting the last trace of money.... Toph decides too find those "Idiotic Lozers"!!!.

                      There is one huge problem and i believe it's from that angry mob parading around her.

    Person in Green Kimono " *Gasp*. That's the child from this poster!!!.

Her face looks jacked up.


The angry villagers thought otherwise.

            "Look People I haven't -uh

              Obviously I don't know you guys.... "!!!

"Oh i think you do...

My kid says that you took his money"!!.. Some dude with a pitchfork agrees.... and a lady who's wig looks like it could do a better role than Tracy from HairSpray!!!

                        "PLEASE>> Am I supposed too be afraid of mere weaklings....look that guy can't even hold his arm up with a torch in hand"!!!.


Toph has had enough of this foolishness and Earthbends a path through the huge crowd.

Think of it as Ground-Surfing.

She dodges some of the torches that we're being thrown at her.

One of the flames seared her back. She would've stopped moving if it wasn't for a huge ass rock.

Pulling it towards her she was able too create a barricade. Someone from the Crowd threw his or her last kunai and it didn't do anything to the boulder..... i don't know why they even try.

The villagers were furious.

Until some who were ninja in fact figured out how too detonate rocks.

Toph listened and waited for 20 citizens came right at her. She moves her feet in an up and down motion.

The earth was being pushed faster and faster. People's feets began to burn underneath because of concrete.

Unknown To Toph three ANBU were up high in the trees. They attacked her with full might.


"Not too fear citizens"!! Mei says frm inside her cat mask.

"Get Off"!!!. Toph's rage made her shake the earth... not realizing that she broke half the crater.

The Villagers are scared.

"She nearly busted off the crust"!!!.

"Yeah". Two twin boys say in amazement.

The adults chanted hateful words probably cause most of their houses are destroyed.

"It's not my problem if the buildings you live in are being DEMOLISHED"!!.


"But Myself". She mumbles.

He hears this.

The Two ANBU's both nod their heads and off-guardedly Toph is kicked in the chest between the crater, them and it's people.

"...Urhn Oh Thank You Wise-O's your greatest plan yet."


The woman ANBU answers.

"We're on the Villagers Side"!!.


He fumes yet smiles.

    "Besides Our Hokage, Suggested that you leave for causing mischief and bankruptcy.... which reminds me what did you do with THEIR






Toph responded to an inferior question.

The people did not like the reason they are given.

    After a vast genjutsu...

     The little chinese girl is unconcious in the arms of Geiromo.

Mei second in command of the Anbu  succeeds in holding them from gruesomely decapitating her head.

        They Chanted "Death For Y€N, Death For Y€N x-( ".

              But wHere OR WHERE is the hokage in the village's time of need.... ?!

Not THERE!!!.

              Lord Hiruzen Sarutobi had an important matter to attend to in The Hidden Grass Village.

       Jiraiya has too fill in and you can't even describe that as Terrible.

Toph come's out of the room bruised on her elbows, both her legs and now her feet has stinging slashes loooking infected.

                  She could hardly walk.

                     Her eyes are beggining                to worsen.

                          Ibiki pushes her on the ground. "Maybe now you'll learn too earn MONEY NOT STEAL IT"!!!!.

                Toph has a tear down her face.

Now, Losing her sight is permanent.


Toph Beifong Ungrateful Team 7!!Where stories live. Discover now