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Everything? Oh come on. This girl is nuts!

"They're just so hot and Luke is the best-"

"Name a song."

"She looks s-"

"A different one," I insist. "One not so popular."


"What's the bands shortened name?"

She beams. "Easy! Five es-oh-es!"

"Wrong. Five seconds of summer is five-sos. Five sause! Jeez. And other songs include Voodoo Doll, Heartache on the Big Screen, Heartbreak Girl, and Good Girls are Bad Girls." I frown. "Get it right or don't pretend to be part of the 5SOS family."

She glares and walks away. I sigh and buy my CD before sitting against the wall. I can still hear the band playing, even though I can't go in. My claustrophobia got the best of me so I stepped out. I love their music. It means a lot to me, it saved my life- 5SOS and 1D and BVB. I love them all. But I can't enjoy a concert when I can't breathe...

I smile to myself. It'd be amazing to talk to Ashton Irwin. He used to cut- he could give me advice to stop it.

The music stops and the band says fair well. I smile sadly, watching people leave. I have such a long walk home...

After a while, I'm the only one here. I don't have a backstage pass or anymore money, so a cab is out of the question. I stand and think to myself, 5SOS's "Voodoo Doll" mixing lyrics with 1D's "Diana" in my head.


I nearly jump out of my skin, the CD falling from my grasp.

"Oh, God! I'm so sor-s-sorry I didn't m-mean to scare you!" The blonde guy picks up my CD. His accent is endearing and he's shy. "I'm sorry."

I nod weakly. "Its okay..."

He hands me the CD. "I'm L-Luke Hemmings."

"Diana Paige Moonstone." It takes me a moment then my eyes widen. "Oh."


"You're part of 5SOS."

"HEY! You s-say it right! And ye-yeah I am." He becomes slightly braver.

I flinch slightly at his energy. "You guys were really good."

"Th-thank you. Where were you sitt-ting?"

"Out here." I give a half smile. "Claustrophobia got me."

"I'm sorry. Are you w-waiting for someone?"

"No, just didn't feel like going yet..."

"I'll wa-walk you to your c-car."

"That's not really-"

"I ins-sist."

"I'm actually walking home," I admit.

"How f-far out do you live?" The singer questions me.

"Uh... twenty miles."

"And you're wa-walking? L-let me gi-give you a ride."

"No thank you."

"I insist. That's a lo-long walk for an-anyone. And da-dangerous. Especially for so-some girl as beau-utiful as you."

I blush. "I'm not pretty. But thank you."

"That ri-ride. Le-let me get my keys." Luke runs to the dressing room and returns a moment later with keys in hand.

"You can't take a 'no', can you?" I ask.

"No. C-come on."

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