soft thanksgiving special

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— today is jeongguks only day off before having to work twelve grueling hours at a clothing store on black friday nonetheless.

but today was thanksgiving after all so he was more than blessed to get to spend a wonderful joy filled day with his best friends and their baby's.

after cooking the main courses the night before and into the morning time hoseok, yoongi and, jimin arrived with a multitude of dishes piled high in their arms.

jeongguk cooed at the sweet smile on jimins face as he babbled on about how he and yoongi put the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes for hoseok.

and how they got to help put the pumpkin pie in the oven. yoongi chimed in halfway through jimin's story to tell jeongguk all about how his brother took over an hour deciding his outfit,

"hmph 's not minnie's fault daddy hid his favorite sweater," jimin huffed, a pout ever present on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest,

"and didn't daddy apologize multiple times jiminah?" hoseok replied smiling while holding jimins chin in his palm as he tapped the youngers bottom lip with his other hand,

"yesss but still~" the little dragged on holding his pout for a bit before he decided giving up and stretching his arms out as he waited to be picked up by his daddy,

"so first I'm the evil sweater loser and now you want me to hold you?" hoseok asked chuckling as the little nodded.

but he just shook his head as he lifted jimin up letting the boy wrap himself around his front,

"could never tell him no though" hoseok laughed winking at jeongguk who could definitely relate to having a bratty baby one moment and a total clinger the next.

hm speaking of... where was his baby?

"taehyungah? baby where'd you go?" jeongguk called out peering into the living at the same moment that a body crashed into his,

"there you are!" jeongguk said smiling and kissing the top of the little boys head as he flung himself into the youngers arms,

jeongguk couldn't help but praise the little looking him over as he said "and look, you got changed" jeongguk cooed,

taehyung pulled back from jeongguk twirling around to show his flowy pastel blue skirt that nearly went all the way down to his ankles that he paired with a white fuzzy sweater with a similar blue colored emblem of a crescent moon on the front and his white mary janes to match,

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