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— "daddy?"

"yes, angel?"

"can ggukie talk to you?"

"of course what's up my love?"

jeongguk hadn't looked up the entire time he'd been talking but after the last word out of taehyung's mouth he lifted his head to meet taehyung's awaiting eyes as he finally asked: "d-does daddy think ggukies icky?"

jeongguk frowned at the way taehyung tilted his head with a confused expression on his face, "baby I could never think you're icky why would you think that?"


"baby come here, come to daddy's lap hm?"

jeongguk continued to play with his fingers for a few more moments before he shuffled over to taehyung collapsing into his arms.

taehyung helped the smaller boy into his lap letting him curl himself up so his head could lay on taehyungs chest.

before taehyung could speak again the little began crying heavily into the elder's chest. taehyung pulled him closer as he rubbed gentle circles on jeongguks back whispering soft words of comfort into his ear.

it felt like so long since taehyung had been out of his own headspace long enough for jeongguk to enter his and he knew jeongguk needed this. even if it hurt hearing him so upset.

luckily, hoseok had slept over that night and had been awake in the other room to hear the familiar cries and knew a bottle would help sooth the littles pain even if it was just a tiny bit.

taehyung felt a wave of relief pass over him when hoseok came in with the fresh bottle and his favorite pacifier in tow.

"baby, look hobi hyung brought you a bottle and your binky"

jeongguk sat up a little bit letting taehyung wipe away the few stray tears still left on his rosy cheeks and the strands of hair that clung to his forehead.

"thank you hobi hyungie~," he said doing his best to smile at his second favorite hyung, hoseok cooed at the younger as he graciously allowed the bottle to be placed into his mouth and the pacifier strap to dangle between his fingers.

"you're welcome bun" hoseok placed a gentle kiss to his forehead before saying goodnight and giving a loving hair ruffle to taehyung who stuck his tongue out in protest but gave a finger heart and mouthed a thank you anyways.

a little while after jeongguk ad calmed down (with the help of watching the land before time for the thousandth time) jeongguk was finally ready to talk again,

"today ggukie was tryna find a present f-for daddy and ggukie to have as theirs like special"

"a-and ggukie found these pretty rings with an engraved pacifier on one and a heart with a pacifier inside it on the other"

"and ggukie thought it must've been fake cause it was just what he wanted"

"but then ggukie saw someone say that people who deal with people like ggukie are crazy bc people like ggukie are icky"

taehyung looked at him with an unreadable expression before his features curved into a slight pout as he said, "do you believe them ggukie?"

"I... I don't wan-wanna but kinda"

taehyung paused for a moment, "can I ask you something this time?" jeongguk nodded,

"do you think minnies icky? or yoonie? do you think I'm icky when I'm little ggukie?"

"no daddy never! ggukie doesn't think that at all!" taehyung couldn't help cooing at the boy in his arms kissing his nose before resting his forehead on jeongguks,

"I know bunny, so if I'm not icky and neither are yoonie and minnie then you aren't either ggukie okay?"

"you're so beautiful jeonggukie you're bright and smart and wonderful, you make me the happiest in the universe and you take care of me so well when I need you to and you're an amazing friend to everyone you're around, ggukie you aren't icky I promise"

jeongguk didn't say anything but hug the elder closer and sniffle with the most content smile plastered on his face as taehyung sang him a soft lullaby lulling him to sleep.

taehyung would fall asleep holding onto the boy he loves most while that special boy does the exact same thing.


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