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She looked down at his slender fingers uncertainly and as if sensing her uneasiness spoke in a quiet voice, "don't worry Erena- trust me", his tone soothed her and in that moment she felt herself give in as she clasped his hand.

She drew in a sharp intake of breath as the sizzle of electricity ignited between them and his pupils turned pure white. She knew that even though his body was in the room with her, his essence was deep in her mind and she watched the milky swirls of his eyes and his deathly stillness as he dove in to her memories and watched the scene from her vision. She gripped the armrest with her free hand as she tried to stop her hands from trembling.

He stayed like that for an age and she could almost feel his presence in her mind, it was like a weightless shadow on the edge of her vision that wouldn't move and she let out a shaky breath as she tried to steel her nerves.

It felt like hours had gone past when she felt the tendrils off his presence dissipate from her mind and saw his eyes return to their normal grey but his expression was in a frown and his eyes seemed far away as he looked at her.

"The man didn't show his face", he said slowly.

"I know- I tried to put my glow light closer to him but- ".

"He wanted to stay hidden", Caleb finished for her, "he knew you were there".

Erena looked at him as confusion marked her features, "What-", and watched as Caleb's expression changed as he realised she hadn't understood her own vision. When he spoke his words were slow and he watched her reaction carefully.

"Erena- that wasn't your body hanging in the chains- you were in another body", he said, "someone who was on the brink of death".

"But- but the fog spoke to me-", her face mirrored the turmoil in her mind.

"Yes", Caleb stopped to lick his lips "-whoever it was knew you were in the body".

There was a silence between them as each contemplated their own thoughts until Erena broke the silence, "what does it mean".

Caleb was silent for second before he turned to face her, "I don't know", he said even though his expression said the opposite and Erena watched him rise and head back towards his table deep in thought. She knew she was dismissed even before he spoke, "you may go Erena".

She couldn't get out of the room fast enough, wanting to put as much space between the bald man and herself as possible but as she passed the portrait of Lady Freya another shiver travelled down her spine and her feet were nearly jogging as she walked out of the room.

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