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Her head lifted towards the speaker and she saw him. The figure was swathed in a dark blue cloak and a hood covered all of his face apart from a gleaming smile. The smile scared her, the light caught on his canines and they shone with a white brilliance. He was tall, taller than most men and she could tell from where she was sitting that he would have stood over her head had she been standing.

"Who do you speak to master", the scarred creature's voice sounded scared.

A wave of annoyance seemed to pass through the hooded man and she could tell by how his fist curled and uncurled that he was irked. She watched as he slowly strode towards the shaking creature and bended down until he was level with it's eyes.

"Die", the man's voice was barely a whisper but she gave a raspy gasp as the creature, as if entranced, wound it's claws around it's own neck and snapped it's head off. It fell to the ground in a jumble of limbs and blood but the hooded man simply frowned, "filthy".

"Was that necessary", the second voice came from behind her and even though she wanted to turn to see whoever had just spoken, the dying body wouldn't let her. Instead she watched as the hooded man smiled again, showing those gleaming canines to whoever was behind her.

"Oh come on- you should be happy I killed the creature".

It was silent for a while before the speaker behind her gave a long sigh, "Is the sorcerer back then".

The words made the hooded man's smiling mouth fall on her again and she watched as his mouth widened, "Yes". He came closer to her but, as if he was doing it on purpose, he stopped far back enough that she saw no more of his face. He looked down at her and after a while she saw those gleaming canines poke out of his mouth as he smiled in triumph, "who are you kitten". He continued looking down at her as her throat dried up.

"You seem to already know", she'd wanted to snap but she heard the raspiness of her words as they left the dying body.

He laughed, it was the same deep laugh that made shivers touch her very bones, "no-", he paused and reached out as if to stroke her cheeks but lowered the hand again, "but thank you for confirming your womanhood".

She cursed, she'd given away her gender with her anger, "who are you", she rasped.

He chuckled, "I believe I asked you that first".

She remained silent, willing herself to leave the vision. Nothing happened and she heard an irate sigh from behind her.

"Ezekiel- we don't have time for this", the voice snapped but she'd heard it. She knew his name.

Ezekiel. The man was called Ezekiel and she saw by the thrumming of his jaw that he was not happy. His smile stayed fixed on his face as he looked at her, "you've given away my name brother".

Another piece of information.

The man behind her was the hooded man's brother. The man behind said something but she couldn't hear him as she felt talon-like claws grab a hold around her mind and pull. Ezekiel seemed to realise and in a flash his face lost the smile and he took a step forward, at that instant she felt another pair of claws grab ahold of her consciousness as if holding her there. She almost screamed at the tug of war in her head until the hooded man frowned and just before the world faded to black, she heard his voice whisper, "This isn't the last time Caleb", then the vision dissipated.

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