RiCh SeT a FiRe

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Error's POV

So, in some sort of events, Fresh's house burnt down and he's staying with me...fuck. I barely even knew the guy! How did this happen? We only met because of Geno, but that was only once! I heard a knock on the door and groaned, lifting myself off the couch. I opened the door to this brightly colored abomination at my door, who might I add was at least 2 inches shorter than me. I was 5'7" which meant he was like 5'5" or something. He held a skateboard and a bag, and had a burn mark on his face, and his hands were probably permanently scorched, but all I saw were his fingers since his bright blue fingerless gloves covered his hands. I could see most of his legs, which were pretty beat up, but not that badly burned. "Sup?" He said, his glasses changing to HE YO for a minute then back to YO LO "Hey." I said looking back at him, for the first time I noticed Geno standing next to a car, with Death in the drivers seat. He waved and got back in his car and they drove off. I moved out of the doorway and he walked in without a word. "Wow." He muttered. "What?" I asked defensively, sure my place wasn't spotless but it was good enough! "Oh it's nothing, I'll have something to do later which is pretty rad." He said, I gave him a confused look. "If I'm bored or something I clean." He stated. "I'm not paying you." I said, sure his house burned down but he shouldn't expect sympathy from me. "I'd do it for free dude." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to follow me, which he did. I opened the door to the guest roomwhich he walked into, not setting anything down. "This can be your room." I said, whichthen he set down his stuff. I walked out of the room letting him unpack.

Fresh's POV

Staying with a guy I dont know... great. I grabbed my phone and phone charger out of my bag and answered a text from Geno I got a while ago saying I was good. I plugged in my phone and plopped into the bed, seeing his text of okay and getting up to clean. I walked down to Error sitting on the couch watching some random show. "Yo bro, can I like wash your dishes or something?" I asked, I probably sounded insane but it was fun seeing your progress. He nodded not taking his eyes off the TV. I went to my room and untagled my headphones, walking back downstairs to the stack of dishes in the sink. I played my music just loud enough to block out other sounds, mouthing the words, turning on the water and taking off my gloves. "If this is love i wanna be hangin by the neck, before an audience of death." I mouthed I didn't notice Error looking at me or that his show was paused. . I looked to grab another dish as I saw Error staring at me. I looked at him back taking out an earbud. "You listen to really edgy songs for your personality." He said. I gave him a confused look. How did he know what I was listening to? "You were singing, pretty nice voice." He said still staring at me. My face flushed purple as my glasses went blank. "Literally no one knows I listen to 'edgy' music." I said. "And no one has heard me sing." I added. Error laughed and said "Well, guess I'm lucky." Before I put my earbud back in and continued the dishes not mouthing anything. But after a bit I forgot Error was even there and started mouthing words again. Still not noticing Error. A new song came on, and I started mouthing that. This one wasn't that edgy but it was pretty edgy. I finished the dishes, and started putting away the dry ones. "Oh Fresh?" I faintly heard Error call. I turned toward him taking my earbud out. "I totally forgot some buddies of mine were coming over today, so if you wanna hang out in your room or something while they're over." He said. "I'll just use it as an excuse to go the skate park." I said putting my earbud back in and mouthing the song. Little did I know I was still singing. I finished dishes and went to grab my board. I came back downstairs to see a goop covered guy with tentacles and a guy with his hood up who had crazy eyes and had a scarf, he looked pretty insane. "Oh, is this Fresh?" The insane one asked. Error said yeah as I gripped my board. Music was still playing in my headphones. "I'm gonna go..." I said walking toward them, since they were in the doorway. The two guys walked in and stepped aside as I walked out and put my board down and pushed to where the skate park was. After a few hours I noticed Error and the two guys walking toward the park. I ignored them still skateboarding. I heard Error call my name which started me more than it should've, which made me tumble and fall. I saw Error and the goopy guy wince and the insane one hold in a laugh. I looked at my legs to see if anything was bleeding, it was minor and hard to see with the burn marks and other scuffs but there was a scrape. And my hands got a bit scuffed but it didn't hurt that bad. By now Error was standing by me. "Nice fall." He said. I rolled my eyes under my glasses, and bot back on my board. "I'm gonna drop these two off if you wanna join or something." He offered. I shook my head no and told him to pick me up once they were dropped off. Error nodded and left. I kept skateboarding not noticing that Error was watching me. Untill I fell and eyecontact ensued. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded feeling embarassed. We walked back home, having a pleasant conversation. Untill I got a notification from my calander on my phone, all color from my face fell and my glasses went blank.  I was going into heat tomorrow.

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