Aw it's fluff time

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Error's POV

It's been a few weeks since Fresh and I started dating, and it's the same when people are around. He's either in his room or out somewhere. But when people are gone, he's a caring clingy confused guy who doesn't really know how to handle emotions amd only really knows the basics of emotions. I was hanging out with Dust and Nightmare when I got a call from Fresh, I walked into the kitchen and answered. "Error?" Fresh answered on the other end. "Yeah?" I responded. "Guess who's in the hospital..." He wearily joked. "What happened?" I asked, worry pretty obvious in my voice. "Nothing bad just a broken arm and a sprained wrist." He responded. "Is it bad?" I asked calming down a bit. "I mean if you count part if my actual arm bone snapping bad then yeah." He said no chalontly. "Which hospital are you at? I'm coming to see you." I said. "No don't worry you're hanging out with friends I just thought you should know." He said hastily. "Fine I guess, when are you coming back?". "Later today.". "Okay, see you later?". "Later dude.". I put my phone in my pocket and walked back to the conversation. "What was that?" Nightmare asked looking at me skeptically. "Fresh broke his arm and called me to let me know." I said in the most 'this guy is just a friend is swear' voice I could. "You looked worried as fuck about him. Got anything you wanna tell us?" Dust teased "Got anything you wanna tell us about Blue?" I teased back. "He's just a friend!" Dust snapped. "Speaking of relationships, you're the only one out of us who is still single."  Nightmare said. The only thing I was focused on was not letting my face heat up. "So?" I asked. "You should find someone." Nightmare said. (Nightmare- mom friend, Dust- acts like he doesn't care but he lowkey dad friend, Error- the friend the parent friends fuss over.) "I don't need anyone at the moment guys." Just as I said that Fresh walked into the house. His arm was in a sling and he had a bandaid on his cheek. "Yo." He said plopping on a chair. "How'd ya do that?" Dust asked. "I don't remember, it'll come back to me later but I'm high as fuck on painkillers." He said chuckling to himself. "You guys can carry on your conversation cus I'm gonna pass out here in a little bit." He yawned and with that he passed out in the chair. "You and Ink would be kinda cute together." Nightmare mumbled to himself, Dust nodded and Fresh shifted in the chair. I quietly shrieked no, but to it didn't work since they were already planning out how they would set us up and everything. Dust quickly said something about having to go and dragged Nightmare out of my house. "Who's Ink?" Fresh asked from the chair once they were gone. "Oh just some guy I fight. Dont worry about him." I said walking over to him. I sat on the couch as Fresh sat next to me. Far enough that it wasn't cuddling but still kinda close. I turned on Netflix as I picked a show we've both been watching, American Horror Story. We were only about two seasons in. I usually covered Fresh's eyes during the sex scenes but other than that it was pretty good. The last episode of the second season ended and the third season started off with me covering Fresh's eyes. I say eyes since he usually takes his glasses off around me. Then once it was over Fresh jumped at the intro. "You're scared by the intro?" I laughed. "It has frickin KKK references dude that stuff freaks me out!" He yelled pointing at the TV, hugging his knees. I scoffed and opened my arm gesturing for Fresh to come here. He complied cuddling into me as I put my arm around him.

Dust's POV

Nightmare and I watched as Fresh and Error sat on the couch, Fresh took off those dumb sunglasses but im guessing Nightmare couldn't see his eyes either. Error covered Fresh's eyes as the new season of the show they were watching started. Nightmare looked at me and we snickered. We looked back and Fresh looked petrified. They talked and Fresh pointed at the TV. Error rolled his eyes and opened his arm, which Fresh promptly cuddled into him. I looked at Nightmare to see if I was dreaming. He looked back at me in shock. Error wasn't the cuddly type of person and I don't know about Fresh.  "Are they dating or something?" Nightmare whispered. "They've known eachother for like, idk not that long." I replied. We looked back to see them still in that position, acting like there wasn't weird shit on the TV. Fresh looked to be lost in thought and Error was lost in the TV show. Fresh looked up at Error, and Error looked down at Fresh with a confused look on his face.

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