Hello darkness it's great to see you

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Fresh's POV

Ink spent the night. He took one of my pillows to use too. Error came in and sat on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong? The house was spotless and you were honestly kind of rude to Ink." He asked. "He looks at you weird and stuff." I mumbled. Error laughed. "Come here." He opened his arms. I complied. "You know I don't like Ink that way. I've honestly only looked at him romantically maybe once or twice? And that was long ago." He reassured.  I nodded. I yawned, my parasite yawning with me. "That was honestly kind of adorable." Error admitted. My parasite grumbled in protest. "Night then." He said."I'm probably gonna stay up for a bit. " "Why dont you come down for a bit?" Error suggested. I said sure, leaving my glasses on accident. Ink was sitting watching AHS. I grabbed Error's hand subconsciously, unpon seeing Ink. Error laughed taking his hand back. That apparently caught his attention, I froze, scared of what he thought of my eyes. "What's with your eyes?" Ink asked hopefully without thinking. That tone hurt too. I quickly went back upstairs and put on my glasses. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard Ink talking. "-like you Error.". "I'm sorry but I can't." ." Why?" I heard Ink asked aftera minuet of silence. "I'm with Fresh." Error said. I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. I heard Ink choke out a sob, I came downstairs with my glasses saying OH NO without me knowing. Ink was obviously trying not to cry. "It's okay to cry Ink." I said sitting on a chair. I didn't wanna rub it in his face that Error and I were dating.Error looked just straight up uncomfortable. "My room or the bathroom is open if you need some privacy. " I offered. "Is it okay if I use your room." Ink choked out. I nodded gesturing for him to follow me. He got up as I opened the door to my room. Ink mumbled a quick thank you and walked into my room. I closed the door.

Ink's POV

I shuffled around Fresh's stuff, crying. I found a box labled DC He was a DC fan? I opened the box and did not find what I thought I would. I found a couple of razor blades and a bunch of pictures. I stopped crying as I looked through the pictures.  Pictures of beautiful designs carved into what I assumed to be his ecto body. His back and thighs were the most common that I saw. I wonder who took the pictures of his back. They were really pretty. I grabbed my phone and sent messages to the groupchat with Dream and Blue in it.
(Underlined- Ink. Italicized- Blue Bold- Dream)
Guys I got regected but I found something in Fresh's room that he's probably told no one
Why are you In Fresh's room?
What did you find?
I sent a picture of all the pictures in the box, and the razor blades on top of them.
Oh, decorative cutting. I've met a couple people who do that.
Wait who?
Cross, and some others
He was emotionless before I heard so it makes sense.
I hear it hurts like ever loving hell.
Some of these are really beautiful.
I heard the door open . I froze like a deer in headlights.  "Oh, looking through those old things?" Fresh said sitting next to me and closing the door. "You're...not angry?" I asked. "Not really, geez these are old, I was so sloppy too." He said looking through some of the pictures.  I was so confused. "I'm not suicidal for clarification. Amd If you've told anyone, please tell them to keep it to themselves. I don't want Error knowing." He said. I nodded. "I should re do some of these some time." He said. "How painful is it?" I asked. "You're cutting chunks out of your skin, take a guess." He joked. "Oh geeze here's the first time I tried this." He said picking up a picture. "K told Dream and Blue." I said after telling them not to tell anyone. "Chill dawg." He said fiddling with a razor. "Why did you do these?" I asked. "At first it was just to feel something, then it was the adrenaline high, now it's just to see the design." He admitted. "Oh." "Sorry bout Error dude, that must suck." Fresh said. "It's okay. I get over things quickly." I said. Thank god for that. "Oh okay." Fresh said accidentally cutting his finger. "Ah frick." He said before putting his finger in his mouth. He pulled it out and investigated the cut. "Mk." He said after it stopped bleeding. "How sharp are those?" I asked. "P sharp." He said. He put the blade back along with the pictures and put the box back where it was. Just then Error walked into the doorway. "Blue and Dream are here to pick you up Ink." He said. I nodded. "Bye Fresh." I said walking out the door. "Sorry about Error." Dream said as I got into their car. "Eh, he was taken." I said buckling up. "Ooooo by who?~" Blue asked. "Fresh." I said. "Wait-they probably dont want anyone knowing." I added quickly. "Oooooo" Dream and Blue said looking up at Fresh's window, seeing Error sit mext to Fresh amd Fresh grab his hand.

Error's POV

"God that was awkward." I said sitting next to Fresh. He nodded taking off his glasses and grabbing his hand with mine. I unlaced out fingers and took off his fingerless glove. His hand was charred, part of his fingertip was chipped off. "Sheesh." I mumbled playing with his fingers. "You're fingers are almost as black as mine." I joked. He laughed as I took off his other glove. He also slid off his cast and his arm was fully healed. "Wha?" "I heal fast." He shrugged. Our eyes connected as he interlaced out fingers again. Something came over me, I don't know what it was. I got flashbacks of when we fucked. "Error?" Fresh asked. "Huh." I said snapping back to reality. "You were zoming out. "Just remembering when..." I trailed off. "Oh." He said. He cupped my cheek kissing me. I practically said fuck it and kissed back, after a bit I licked Fresh's lip. He pulled away. "Did I-" I started. "No you didn't, but I can feel someone it thing watching us." Fresh said looking out his window. I scoffed seeing nothing there. He closed the blinds and window. Granted you could see our silhouettes but who cares. Fresh kissed me as I pulled him onto the bed.

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