Invasion (of privacy)

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Hey there this has mild cursing. And some gay. Also I don't like Rueben so jess wont be getting feelies about him. Maybe if he was a dog I would feel something... Anyways may be inaccuracies like regarding to the MCSM plot so plz tell me or I'll T pose on you. They uh live in the order hall in season 2 right? If not then... well they do now.

So basically this occurs a few days after they defeat the Witherstorm but uh let's not get technical. Anyways go on and read. Shoo.

Also no pancakes in minecraft orz. Forgive me.

Wait come back. V1  Male Jesse here.

Also this was like the second one shot for this fandom I wrote so if it's bad then just roast me in the comments thanks.

Thats all now. Begone.
Swear Jar: Has some pennies


Breakfast finally.

Olivia and Axel were arguing over if pancakes were better than waffles so loudly I could hear it from my room, which was probably a good half a mile from the kitchen. Thats the only reason I woke up so early, my body was still really sore from jumping around in that witherstorm but I don't think I could go back to sleep now. I stretched and walked out into the pristine hallway. The Order Hall was so big and... inspiring. I know thats a strange way to describe a place but... the way the sunlight from the huge windows illuminates the lengthy halls and dances off of the various artifacts and decorations scattered around, its just so uplifiting. I can see myself living here for a long time.

Anyways back to pancakes. They left a stack of pancakes and waffles out on the counter along with 2 other plates, I'm assuming for Lukas and Petra. They've been getting up early to go around Beacon Town doing regular checks and fixing some of the damage the witherstorm caused.

I grabbed my plate and went to sit down at the rather large dining table. It was so grand I didn't even feel right eating on it. It was pure quartz and if we all wanted to sit down and eat together we would pratically have to scream at eachother to hear. Well... that may be a bit of an over exaggeration. The echo from yelling in here could make you go deaf. The acoustics in this place are really great.
I could even hear the footsteps of people coming from the south wing.

"Oh sleeping beauty's finally up! Jess, me and Olivia are going into town to help Petra and Lukas out and the Order's gonna be there to. Why don't you join us when your done?" Axel said. Seriously? Sleeping beauty? I know I sleep in a little hut jeez.

"Technically Axel we're the Order. But yeah come help us when you're done." Olivia said, stuffing some redstone into her inventory.

"And be prepared to answer one of the top 10 questions scientist can't answer."

"Uh I'm a redstone engineer and I say that waffles are way better than pancakes Axel."

"Yeah but engineers aren't scientists though Olivia."

"Wha- Jesse do you here this!?" Oliva gestured towards Axel. "Anyways, bon appetit Wither Slayer. Enjoy your waffles." She bowed jokingly to me and started to the exit.

"Not as much as you enjoy the pancakes though!" Axel added before he left.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Those two are a riot. I'm glad they were with me during that whole... ordeal.

I finished eating my breakfast, which was actually the best thing I've eaten in months, and got up ready to go get some building materials and head out to Beacon Town when I saw Lukas' journal on the table. Better bring it to him. He would for sure get some inspiration out of this. I heard some people from a distant city were coming to congratulate us and bring us some new food and blocks and stuff.

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