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Sorry, sorry sorry sorry.

Yes I succ and ect it's been absolute months...

Just wanted to thank everyone for their support and comments (I'm scared to read them oof) And I LOVE EVERYTHING

*heart emoji seizure here*

I wrote this a while ago and just fixed some awkwardness sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yosh.

Sorry I died but unfortunately I'm back at it again. Grab a shot of depresso while reading this cuz somebody's dying ;>

V1 Female Jesse (or whatever V you want uwu)

"Y-you can't just leave me here! Take me with you!" Aiden screeched.

Every word that left his mouth made my blood hotter than it was before.

"You don't deserve any kind of mercy Aiden. Do you not realize what you've done?" I snarled back.

He looked up, his pleading eyes begging me to save his life. Not a hint of remorse or guilt in them.

"Of- of course I do! It was bad, ok. Please, let me come with you!"

Ugh! Is he serious right now?.. of course he is. He really doesn't care about what he's done. How can he not care? Its- its disgusting. I should just end him right here for asking that I save him. I raise my arm and my hand suddenly connects with his face , marking it with a bright red outline of my palm, leaving him staring wide eyed at me. I'm surprised that it was my hand that hit him and not the blade of my sword.

"You don't care do you! Everything is always about you isn't it? You're so pathetic Aiden!"

The shocked expression on his face soon twisted into its usual hateful scowl. I wonder if he was born like that.... His hands unclasped and fell to his sides and he began growling like a wild animal... again. I tighten my hand around my sword and take a step back from him. Just in case.

"ME? You think I'm the selfish one?" His tone quickly shifted from innocent and helpless to dark and brooding just as it were before. "It's you and your little Order of the losers who go prancing around keeping all the power and glory to yourself!"

Yeah yeah, I've heard this all before and frankly I don't really care. I just need to decide whether I'm bringing this sad sack of sh*t with me or not. And right now the odds aren't in his favor. I- I really cant understand how this kid has no sympathy for the lives he's ruined!

"Aiden you idiot! Forget about yourself for once and look around! All this death, all this destruction and chaos, it's all because of you. You've killed hundreds of people today for your own personal gain! Think about all of those innocent citizens being torn apart by monsters! You've blown Reggie to bits not a 10 minutes ago, and Lukas... the person who's stood by you for so many years... he's most likely paralyzed from the waist down. All because of you. You did this Aiden. Face it. You don't deserve forgiveness."

I turn my back on the him after saying this. There's no way I'm taking him back with me. He can die here, by the hands of his own creation.

"Heehee! BAHAHAHA!" Is he... is he laughing?" My head snaps back to him and sure enough he is, kneeling down in the wet grass drenched in rain.

"That's where you're wrong Jesse! All of these people could still be alive, Reggie and Lukas would've been just fine, if only you had shared. If you hadn't followed us to the island to get this-" He pulls out the enchanted flint and steel and the blue flame dances in his power crazed eyes. Shoot! Forgot all about that.

"Give it Aiden." I stand over him and hold my hand out waiting but he just continues on."

"If it weren't for you obsession with this, then they would all be ok. Everything would be just fine... well except for the founder hehe, I would've had to kill her, but everyone else would be fine."

How dare he blame me for this? And then go on to say that about Isa? He really doesn't feel any kind of guilt does he? I run my fingers through his wet hair pity. He's broken. I don't know what pushed him over the edge but it messed him up pretty good. Then I jerk his head back so we're eye to eye and punch him in his nose.

He shrinks back screaming and holds his face as blood drips through his fingers.

"You really don't give a sh*t you sociopath. Have fun rotting here."

I get ready to leave when he opens his mouth again.

"If you let me have this Jesse... I would have taken the Eversource quietly, killed the founder and showed the people the real world. I would have showed them how build and helped them start a really city even-" At this point his voice began to crack and his eyes began to water, or maybe it was the raindrops that were shining off his fave. It almost made me pity him. "even more awsome than this one. But you came and I panicked. I didn't want it t be this way. I just wanted to be a hero."

... he... He- oh god

"The plan was good Aiden. Unfortunatly that's not what matters right now."

This is actually my fault. Oh God. I-it can't be. I couldn't have cause all of this destruction! But if I had just left Aiden alone...

Tears start to run down my eyes and mix with the rain. Then I start sobbing uncontrollably.

"IT- ITS YOUR FAULT AIDEN!" I say inbetween breaths. Then I raise my arm again and bring it down. Blood splatters onto my skin and armour. This time it wasn't my hand that hit him.

I look down at what I have done.

I'm a monster. This is all my fault. Everything.

Aiden slumps forward and coughs a little. His chest has a huge gash in it now and blood is spilling out.

"Well, finish the job will you. Every villian deserves to be put to death right? Only the heroes survive."

"A-aiden... I- I didn't mean to. You're- you're not a villian!"

"Cut the BS. It's my execution now. You'll get yours soon enough." After coughing up more blood he sat up straight and traced an X over his heart.

"You're the disgusting one here Jess. You'll never get my forgivene-"

And my sword went straight through his chest. He closed his eyes and took his last breaths. I- I just killed someone. He deserved it, he did this same thing to countless other people, so why do I feel so... bad?

A part of me wants to take his body and fling it of the cliff, but that's just a small part of me. I take the dead bush that I used to make a lever earlier and place it next to him.

I grab the glowing blue flint and steel off the ground and watch the blood drops wash off with the rain. This is what started all of this. This...

I- I....

What have I done.


Reeee I still love Aiden hes just an angsty teen that wants to be noticed u3u.

Still think hes a bit of a sociopath.

Anywho doing this kind of made me think of like undertale when you play the game and just kill everything you touch and it's called like taking the "Genocide Route" or genocide ending or something. But like. What if Jesse did that and just killed every single villian?? That would be... inspiration. HERE I COME CASSIE MAMI!!

Wrote this a whiilllleee ago and yeah this is it for a while until I have time to watch 10 hrs of season 2 mcsm... until next time my bois

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