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V4 Female Jesse bois. Or uh whatever you want.

"It's over Jesse. Give up now."

"Over..." Was she serious? "Over? Oh no my dear Petra. The fight has just begun." A satanic laugh built up in my lungs as I unsheathed my sword.

Ever since PAMA took over I've never felt more alive! I no longer have to feel pain, or feel anything, I could finally relax now and let PAMA do all the work for me! All of this in exchange for my protection? Forget those losers. Forget her.

"Petra, always the star of the show, taunting you, constantly reminding you that you'll always be a lesser, weaker version of her".

"I'll show Petra." I said under my breath.

"Look I- I don't want to hurt you Jesse, just please snap out of it!" She began to back up, the red tinted gravel crunching beneath her boots. Crunch. That's exactly how her bones are going to sound under my shoes when I'm done with her.

"Oh, it's not me you should be worried about..." I feel a psychotic grin grow involuntarily on my face as I inch forward. I just need to close the distance between us so I can drag her to the ground and beat the life out of her for trying to hurt my true friend. They're merciless! They want to rip the life right our of PAMA. All he ever wanted to do was help! All I ever wanted to do was help. But they left me. Let me get chipped first. And it was the best mistake of their lives. They're all going to die! I'll save one of them though for PAMA to make useful. Probably Lukas or Ivor. Not her.

"Alright then." Petra sighed and drew Ms. Butter shifting into her basic fighting stance. Oh, she loves that sword so much! Got her out of a lot of jams. Time to shatter it.

[I don't know how to write 1st person fights but I will try]

I launched myself at Petra holding my sword tightly at my side and swing it towards her abdomen with as little force as I could muster, which was still a great deal. She deflected it as expected and the using the momentum I spun around gracefully attempting to slam my sword into her shoulder but instead it was met by Ms. Butter deflecting again. My eyes flicked over to Petra and her body shifted slightly to accommodate the force from my failed blow! She couldn't even handle me now, and I wasn't even trying! Thank you PAMA. I kept raining down blows on her increasing strength, with her deflecting, sending vibrations through our swords everytime. I wasn't trying to hit her yet though, I need to back her up somewhere where I can overpower her, and from the looks of things that won't take very long. She's not even trying to hit me!

"ENOUGH!" Petra yelled after deflecting a couple more times.

"Nyahahahaha!" Did I really just laugh like that? Petra was taken back by that too. Whatever. If it's a side effect for this infinite rush of adrenalin then fine.

"Am I getting to you yet Petra~" I toss the sword from hand to hand. Let's see how well she does against ol' lefty here. I throw the sword into the air and hold my left hand out to catch. Sword? It should be in my hand by now. I peek through my closed eyelids and realized Petra knocked it away. I heard to the durable diamond clank against the floor, confirming my suspicions.

"Not very fair now is it?" I say tauntingly. Petra seemed pretty fed up about now because she was becoming more bold with her movements. She stepped forward and swung her sword wildly at me. It didn't even seem like she was aiming to hit me... what a disappointment. I dodged all of the attacks with the swift and simple technique of stepping out of the way. She seemed to be tiring her arms out from thrashing her weapon around because she finally stopped swinging and lifted the sword over her head, perhaps to deliver a final blow? Heh. Pathetic. I wasn't fully grounded yet as I was still in the process of jumping backwards from her previous swing. I'll show her a final blow!

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