48.) OC Character Sheets (Prince Of Darkness)

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Creepypasta Name:
Prince Of Darkness

Real Name:
Yūu Falcon Ramirez (formerly), Yuma Kaname Leroy (currently)


FTM (Female To Male)

April 13th (Aries)

Hair Color:
Turquoise (human appearance)
Black (Creepypasta appearance)

Eye Color:
Golden Yellow (human form)
Purple (Creepypasta form)

Human Appearance:
Shoulder-length turquoise locks tied in a side ponytail with a light gray ribbon, white button up T-shirt, black pants, old school uniform jacket, sneakers

Most Commonly Seen Wearing:
A Russian colors hoodie, jeans, sneakers, tank top

Creepypasta Appearance:
Black zip-up hoodie, fingerless gloves, navy blue tank top, high ponytail, shadow daggers, black jeans, black combat boots, black cloth mask covering his mouth, black wolf ears and tail

The Leroy family (adoptive family; alive)
Unnamed Mother (biological mother; deceased)
Unnamed Father (biological father; deceased)
Unnamed Grandmother (grandmother; alive)
Unnamed Grandfather (grandfather; alive)
Helena Nevena Brooks (biological twin sister; alive)
Isabella Yang (sister-in-law; alive)
Isabella's Parents (parent-in-laws; alive)


Cold, big softie once you get to know him, hard-working, rebellious, shy

Yuma Kaname Leroy, or as he was known before transitioning from female to male, Yūu Falcon Ramirez, was a shy, quiet kid, always holding onto a grownup. When she was a baby, she was adopted into the Leroy family and taken to Canada.  As she grew up, her adoptive older brother, Jean-Jacques or JJ Leroy, seemed to know she wasn't comfortable as a female and told her that she could dress up in his old clothes. But as other kids got to know what she was, she was brutally teased. In middle school, she had started binding her chest so that people couldn't see her breasts, and told her friends to start using male pronouns when they spoke to her. The school's honor boy, Ryuu, had taken a fancy to her and they started going out with each other. But then he started threatening her, and they broke up. JJ, as an early birthday present, told her that he had saved up enough money to afford top surgery so that she could look more like a boy.  She was ecstatic, the surgery worked just like it was supposed to!  She looked more like a boy!  But then, the boy he had dated posted an embarrassing picture of him in his girl body online and then he went all out.  Anyone who teased him about the picture was murdered brutally and after a month of nonstop killing, he fled to Japan, where he's now plotting his revenge.  He plans to kill Ryuu, one day.

Yuri Plisetsky
His top surgery scars

Sexual cheaters, anyone except kids, people starting to go through puberty (he knows your pain, ladies!), transgender people like him, babies, pregnant women, senior citizens and sick people

Symbols & Quotes:
A bloody handprint on any flat surface
Footprints on the floor
'Don't look behind you' written in blood on a wall
"I'm not sorry about this!"
"Don't look behind you."
"See you in your dreams."

To track down and murder his ex-boyfriend, to avenge his parents, to get a boyfriend (completed)

Shadow Daggers
His Teeth

Method Of Killing:
Method #1: He will stalk his victims and appear in their dreams until they kill themselves.
Method #2: He mercilessly claws at his victims' faces and stabs them in the eyes.
Method #3: He tears out the victims throat

Mostly Found:
In alleyways
Dark places
Your dreams
Abandoned houses

How to Defend:
If you're wide awake when he comes for you, you need to lock all the doors, drink some coffee, keep a weapon on you, and ALWAYS KEEP WATCH OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!  One slip-up and you're dead, simple as that.

If he comes after you when you're asleep, keep some music on. He can't talk to you if you're in the middle of a song.  Also, have a never-ending playlist.  He can't convince you to jump off the roof if you can't listen to him.

If you're 13-19 and he comes to you in your dream, WAKE UP AS FAST AS YOU CAN!  NEVER take the taffy he offers you; it's poisonous! He can also shape-shift, so NEVER believe what he says!  Even if he promises to pay you money!


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