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   The first time the others had seen Alice be anywhere near violent was when some creature got a hold of Harley. Then all hell broke loose.

  Harley was struggling, screaming for someone to help, no one did because they were all taking care of the other "monsters" as Alice called them.

    The smallest girl of the group held out her hands and the creature was on fire, a power she only used when she was insanely mad. An emotion also known as rage. She was in rage-mode. The monster then fell down the floor abruptly- plants wrapping around it. The plants then squeezed the life out of the creature, to which only happened in a matter of seconds.

    Everyone else was stunned. Alice pursed her lips, looking around "What?" She said, her ears flattening in embarrassment. Everyone else went back to their tasks, while Alice walked over to where Croc was. He was standing against a wall. "Hey Waylon" she said softly "Hey Kitty" he grunted out.

     They were now walking to save a person in a huge building.

After a bunch of fighting and Harley efficiently scaring the shit out of all the members of the suicide squad, they got to the top floor where the person they needed to save would be.

Much to their surprise- but not Alice's- it was Amanda Waller.

Alice merely greeted her aunt in a polite manner.

"Hi Aunt Amanda. Still wreaking havoc in anything and everything I see. Trying to save your own ass." She snapped at the taller woman.

Diablo stifled a chuckled and loosely hung his arm around her shoulders. "Amore, I feel bad for you" he drawled, earning a soft giggle from Alice. To everyone but themselves, it was insanely obvious that they liked each other.

  After Harley lost her puddin, Alice tried to comfort the girl- slightly succeeding- and as they walked, the girl noticed a helicopter and so did Deadshot. They nodded to each other and both jogged over to it. Alice came across a binder and read through it. She was experiencing pure rage, hatred, and she felt depressed all at once.

She stormed out with the binder in hand. "YOU BETTER FUCKING TELL THESE PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE GOING AGAINST! YOU DID THIS ALL SO WE COULD SAVE YOUR FUCK BUDDY?!" She screeched. Little did the others know, she had a very powerful scream. It knocked all of them back.

   "Flagg, you better own up to your shit or I swear to God" she mumbled, causing him to sigh. "There was a report of a non-human entity in a subway. Long story short, we tried to bomb it- and this witch took off."

   "...I'm sorry, and I know I'm not old enough to drink- but I'm gonna need one" she sighed. "Wait, amore- how old are you?" Diablo asked "20" she responded, walking to the bar and getting a bottle of Hennessy. She drank straight from the bottle, gulping a lot.

  Soon the others joined her, followed by Diablo telling his story, followed by Harley yelling, followed by Alice telling her story.

    "If it's so bad to say this to him, what's your story, huh?" Harley questioned Alice sharply.

She raised a brow. "My parents never liked me, ya know- cat person and all. I have all these powers, but they ain't shit. I've hurt so many people, man." She took in a shaky breath "The only person I ever admitted to loving, my first love- he told me I was a freak. Caused me to get mad, go to my family's house and.. I killed my parents. Burned 'em a little. Then drowned 'em. The kid that called me a freak apologized, and of course I accepted because everything works out when you're iN LoVe" she mocked "He dropped me in an alleyway and called the police" she looked up at everyone.

"How many people you killed, sweets?" Harley questioned. "10. I killed my parents, my- my siblings, and some kids from school." She sighed

    She looked over at Diablo and gave him a slight nod, and she finished the bottle of Hennessy. After that, she threw the bottle at the wall and it shattered.

"I don't know about y'all, but I think it's time to kill a witch" Alice said. Harley looked over at her "Sweets, let's get you changed" she nodded and went into the back with Harley. She changed into this

She walked out the bathroom and into the street, Diablo running after her "Mama" he tapped her on the shoulder, earning a smile from her at the nickname

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She walked out the bathroom and into the street, Diablo running after her "Mama" he tapped her on the shoulder, earning a smile from her at the nickname.

They quickly went to the back of the group and just walked before Diablo made sure no one was watching. He pushed her against the wall softly and kissed her with force, yet gentleness.

She kissed back, her arms wrapped around his neck.

She really hoped everything fell in line, because she was in love.

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