~fifty one~

66 3 3

Tw for that homophobic shit

gee : guys i have a problem please help

fframk : are you okay

gee : theoretically 

Moikey: what happened 

Moikey:  ARE you okay???

gee : i cut my hair

gee : like,,,,a lot of it

ryyyan : what does it look like

gee : bad

gee : hhhhhhhhh

Breadbin : so what exactly happened

gee: kkkkkkkk so

gee : my mom was being like really anti-lgbt right

gee : not just like ew The Gays but like,,,,,it was bad

gee : she started getting upset because I told her about the girl @ school who just came out and she thinks they 'are a threat to the other girls' ???

(((Pat))) : wtf 

gee : I knowwww 

gee : then she went off about how 'gays shouldn't be allowed near other boys all the time just like lesbians shouldn't be around other girls all the time' and I was like yeah whatever I just wanna eat my dinner

Moikey : I can confirm she was being a shithead

gee : thank you micheal 

gee : so anyways then she started talking about how too many kids were using being trans as an excuse to waste their parents money and how 'they make up shit like NoNbINDeR' & Mikey corrected her and left and she got pissed at me because I agreed with Mikey and not her?? 

gee: and THEN this hoe has the fucking nerve to fucking talk about the 'made up sexualities' bc you know ur faves (me and Mikey) are still in the closet & stuff. So my dumbass told her to shut up cuz she was being rude and she told me that I shouldn't be involved with those kind of people and I told her to shut the fuck up and she told me not to hang out with frank because 'he's a bad influence ESPECIALLY with this stuff' and I said she was a bitch and she shouldn't talk about people like that and I kinda accidentally came out and u g h

gee : so moral of the story is; I had a mental breakdown bc I came out to my mom, a raging homophobe, and cut a bunch of  my hair off ;(

Fframk : open ur window I'm outside 

Ryyyan : I'm sorry about your mom

Breadbin : Imma beat her ass

gee : please don't she'll beat u up

Moikey : unlock your door

Fframk : honestly his hair doesn't look THAT bad

Fframk : I'm gonna fix some of it tho

gee : 💓💓💓💓💓💓

A/n please note that none of this has been said in real life by me or my family. I made it ALL up & if you have a problem tell me and I'll fix it.

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