~fifty two~

68 4 2

Brendon  : bAbE wE dId iT

Ryyyan : I'm trying to read Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban what do you want

Joebro : fuckin superb you gay fucks

Jon : iconic

Spence : holy shit Jon came out of hiding

Gee : Spencer we literally haven't seen you in like 2 months 

Spence : I was also in hiding

Spence : I've come out

Fframk : that gay but alright

Petewete : Frank dont you have a boyfriend 

Fframk : yes and I love him with my whole heart 

(((Pat))) : ur heart is the size of a ritz cracker frank

Fframk : my love for Gerard is bigger than both my heart and my dick

Gee : what the fuck

A/n should I end this soon? It's been going on for a while now.

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