Chapter Twenty-Three || Rescue

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Charlotte was being held a prisoner in the kitchen of the Siren's Club

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Charlotte was being held a prisoner in the kitchen of the Siren's Club. Black ropes tied her arms and legs to the chair. But her mind was far, far away from there. She was honestly more worried about what Fish could be doing to Oswald.

The door to the kitchen opened and Ed walked in. He had taken off his coat and only stood in his green suit. He towered over Charlotte with a pleased smile on his lips and she looked away from him.

"The Court of Owls exploded a bomb in Union Station and now the city is in total disarray," he told her. "The view of the city is fantastic right now. It's a shame you won't be able to see it".

Charlotte looked up at Ed with disappointment in her eyes. "To hell with the Court of Owls". Ed chuckled at her bitter words, but what came next made his smile drop right away. "And to hell with you too".

Ed clenched his teeth, trying his best not to show he was actually hurt by her words. "Where did Fish take Oswald?"

Charlotte huffed in frustration. She was getting really tired of Ed and all she wanted to do was go save Oswald from Fish. "Ed, darling. I imagine that you think I'm worried because I've been kidnapped by the great Riddler and company, but let me bust your bubble. I'm way more worried about Oswald right now".

"Hmm," Ed hummed to himself thoughtfully, but then Tabitha's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"She's lying," she stated while glaring at Charlotte. "It's obvious she knows where they are".

Ed was sick and tired of Tabitha and turned to look at her. She was at the doorway with her whip in hand and Butch by her side. "Anyone asked for your input?" Ed asked with an arrogant smile forming on his lips when Tabitha didn't reply. "Didn't think so".

Barbara walked in and closed the door of the kitchen behind her. "Did she said anything yet?"

Ed didn't answer and looked back at Charlotte, who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "If you're going to torture me just make it quick. I have places to go".

"I told you, you're not going anywhere," Ed reminded her. "But if you tell me where he is, I promise to make your death quick and painless".

Tabitha scoffed at that last part of Ed's sentence and Charlotte sent Ed a fake smile. "Wow, how considerate of you". Then her smile dropped. "But I already told you I don't know. And even if I knew I wouldn't tell you anyway".

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