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"There's no way I'm doing that!" I screamed running away. He was laughing like a maniac as he chased me around the deck of the boat. "Ethan stop it!"

"Come on Emma! Just do it don't be scared" Grayson yelled out. He was already in the water floating around with James.

"If I did it, you can do it kitty girl." James chimed in. Of course he was in a good mood, Grayson and Ethan were shirtless and had chosen the shortest bathing suit trunks possible to show off their thigh tats.

"Bryant, please make him stop" I tried pleading, but my voice was hoarse from screaming and I was running out of breath from trying to escape Ethan.

He shook his head, laughing. "No way" he said flashing his camera. "The content is gonna be too good."

"Alright truce." Ethan said holding up his hands. "I'll stop chasing you but you have to go in. I'll go before you to show you it's fine."

I was tired of running and I did really want to cool off...

I hesitantly agreed and took Ethan's hand. He began leading me to the ledge were we would jump off and I immediately regretted agreeing to this.

"What if we just go down the stairs instead." I tried giving Ethan my best puppy dog eyes to get out of jumping into the water.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and started climbing down into the water. I followed, climbing down carefully. I looked down to make sure I wasn't going to miss a step, that's when I saw Ethan's arms coming towards me.

"Oh my god no!" I screamed. It was too late. He wrapped his arms around my waist and flipped us backwards into the icy water.

When I emerged from the water I could hear everyone laughing. Ohhh he was so gonna get it.

"Please tell me you got that" Ethan called out to Bryant.

He flashed a smile and gave him a thumbs up in response. Bryant set the camera down and jumped gracefully into the water to join us.

I hit the light switch on and made my way into the small bathroom we'd be sharing for the weekend. I stripped down to my bathing suit and took a look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess of waves from the salt water and there was a permanent flush on across my cheeks and nose from getting too much sun. At least I had gotten a little bit of a tan.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my bare waist, kisses being pressed to my neck. The warmth of someone else's body against yours- especially if it's someone you've been crushing on for so long- is incomparable to anything else. I could feel goosebumps from the contact, my heart racing as his lips brushed my skin.

"I've missed you." I said, my eyes still closed from bliss.

"I've missed you too." Ethan replied detaching himself from me. He was in his boxers, hair tousled, face etched with sleep lines. "Like crazy. How much longer do we have to keep this a secret? Gray already knows how we feel and I'm sure James can connect the dots. What's the point?"

I slightly regretted confiding in Grayson so much about my feelings for his brother, but if I hadn't who knows if this would have gone anywhere. I shooed him away with a wave of my hand. I didn't want to think about reality when this weekend away was such a dream.

"I'm not keeping you a secret." I replied, grabbing a brush and attempting to tame my hair.

Ethan jumped on the counter and watched as I struggled. "Whatever you say Emma." He sighed, I knew he was frustrated, but I just needed a little time to think.

"We have to go down for dinner soon, you might want to get dressed." I tried to change the topic, but I couldn't hide the smirk on my face or the blush on my cheeks. All I could think about was being with alone with him after spending all day pretending to be just friends.

"You're undressed I'm undressed. Weird. Some coincidence, huh?" He got off the counter and leaned towards me resting his chin on my shoulder, his abs pressed to my back sending sparks up my spine.

"Mmmm" his warm skin against mine was enough to sooth the chill bumps that speckled my body. Even with my eyes closed I knew he was smirking, I could feel it against my neck. "Come on now we have to get dressed." I turned to face him and pressed a kiss to his lips, it was quick but it was satisfactory.


Emma was driving me insane. We had barely talked after I kissed her and I was dying to know how she felt. She was avoiding the conversation completely, it felt like she was acting like nothing happened.

Now we were here on a trip with our friends and she said she wanted to wait before we told them. I agreed, I wanted to take things slow. I'm a patient guy and I don't like to have my relationships super publicized anyways. But fuck, if she was gonna be prancing around in those bikinis all weekend I wasn't going to survive.

Dinner was a blur of plates being passed, burgers being flipped and a whole lot of laughing. Emma conveniently wedged herself between Grayson and James, leaving me no option but to sit on the other side of the table. Jesus, how lowkey was she trying to be?

After dinner we all said our goodnights and went our separate ways, but I wasn't tired one bit. Just as I was slowly starting to drift off I felt a rustling next to me and cold feet being pressed to my caves. I opened one eye and found Emma nestled under me.

"Did I wake you?" She asked quietly. It felt so fucking good to have her next to me.

"Not really. I'm not tired." I said, wrapping my arm under her and bringing her closer.

I didn't care if she wasn't ready to tell our friends. I didn't care how confused I felt or how unsure she was. None of that mattered when I had her in my arms.

"But you should rest, sleepy girl." I whispered quietly, tracing my hands down her back. I felt like I could finally sleep now that she was safe next to me.

She tilted her chin up and gave me a small kiss. It was all I needed. It was perfect.

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