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Girlfriend. The word still sounded foreign on my lips. A month had passed since my date with Ethan in which he had decided it was time to make things "official". I wasn't sure what he had meant by it, but so far it had entailed many sleepovers and half of his belongings making their way into my apartment.

I couldn't complain, the sight of the tanned boy sleeping soundly next to me was enough to make my heart flutter. A mop of wavy, dark hair was the only thing visible under the mound of sheets and blankets he had buried himself under. I resisted the urge to wake him, it was only 8 a.m. after all. In getting to know him on more intimate level I had learned he was far from being a morning person, a stark contrast to his twin.

Grayson. I giggled at the thought of him, thinking about the countless of early morning hikes and 7 a.m. coffee dates he had dragged me to. He claimed I was the only one who would answer his calls that early, but I knew it was his way of ensuring our newly found friendship wouldn't fade just because I had begun dating his brother.

The slight movement of the blankets were the only sign of Ethan being alive under there. When he began to stir I knew it was my only chance of waking him if we wanted to make it to breakfast on time. I reached over brushing my fingers through his hair hoping to deliver a gentle wake up call. He grabbed my wrist, brining my body on top of us. My plan was a success.

"Good morning to you to." I smiled, laughing at the way his face scrunched up as the strands of my hair hung down scratching his face.

"Where's my good morning kiss?" He asked, his voice still hoarse from sleep. There was something so sexy about him when he was just waking up.

He gripped my wrist tighter when he felt me pulling away. I knew if I gave into what he wanted it would be another hour at least before I could convince him to get out of bed. He pushed me forward using the hand he had on the small of my back for leverage.

One look at at the cocky smirk on his face and I couldn't resist.

"I have to shower." I was finally able to pull away from his grip. He gave me a pleading look, but I had to be strong. It was his idea to go out to eat in the first place.

"Can I join you?" He sat up, exposing his bare chest; the covers looking at his waist.

"As tempting as that sounds, you always use up the hot water." I said, my voice barely audible. I couldn't get used to speaking about intimacy so casually.

I thought of the night spent together days ago after one too many champagne glasses at James' launch party. It was like I could still feel Ethan's wet skin against mine, his hands running through my hair, his chest pressed against my back. My skin felt hot from embarrassment, I would need more liquid courage if I ever dared attempt it again.


"Look who finally decided to show up." James teased standing up from his seat to greet Emma and I. For fucks sake we were only 15 minutes late.

"They were probably fucking." Grayson said immediately looking to Emma knowing he would get a reaction out of her.

Her jaw instantly dropped and she looked redder than the crop top Grayson was wearing. Emma gave him the smack he deserved before taking her seat across from James.

"Shove it." I would have to get him back later for his commentary. "It's not even like that, Emma's car wouldn't start so we had to Uber here."

"Really? Don't play innocent, that's not what Emma was telling me the other d-"

The table shook slightly and Grayson quickly reached down to rub his shin. Emma had actually kicked him hard enough to nearly tip over the water from my glass.

I shot her look, but she played innocent. How much was she telling Grayson about us? I hoped things wouldn't get messy if were both confiding in him.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault my best friend happens to be your twin brother." She shrugged nonchalantly like my brother hadn't just casually joked about our alleged sexcapades.

"Excuse me." James let out what sounded like a mix of cough and a yelp. Emma's best friend comment had clearly struck a cord.

"I think we're ALL best friends." Grayson responded, mocking the Victoria Justice meme he couldn't resist watching 100 times.

"Anyways" I attempted to steer the conversation into something slightly normal. With the kind of company I kept I knew it would be hard. "As you may or may not know, Emma's birthday is coming up."

"Don't even finish that statement." She brought her hands up to cover her face. "I don't want to make a big deal out of it."

"It's your 18th birthday, E. It's like the law that we have to do something big." James said, waving his hands around as usual to emphasize his words.

"I just want to hangout with you guys. Maybe go to dinner or something." She rolled her eyes, unamused with James' idea.

When I was sure she was too immersed with her food to notice me, I started a group chat with James and Grayson to begin planning her birthday. It was her first birthday here with us and our first as a couple. There was no way I would let her settle for postmates and yet another movie night.

It had to be big in effort and small in guests, despite her wishes I knew there were a few things I could do to make things special for her. The wheels in my head started turning, my mind already envisioning color schemes and food options. Their conversation became background noise, I had my work cut out for me.

James could take her shopping this week and I was sure Grayson would be able to keep her occupied enough to leave her unsuspecting of the surprise I would have planned for her.

Everything needed to be perfect for my girl.

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