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I grabbed the tattered book, weighing it in my hands before flipping through the pages. It was old and falling apart from being read so many times. Ethan had teased me relentlessly for holding on it for so long. He had been surprised to find me one night curled up in bed reading next to my lamp. He claimed it was off brand for me, but after a few teasing remarks he laid in bed with me and forced me to read aloud to him. He soon fell asleep, but he claimed it was my soothing voice that had caused his slumber and not boredom.

At first it was painful to open any book. I had fallen into the practice of reading him to sleep most nights and I couldn't bring myself to devour old romance novels when he had left my heart in shambles. With time I picked up my passion again, highlighting passages that resonated with me and helped me move past my heartache.

Whatever our souls were made of, his and mine were the same.

The words once brought tears to my eyes, reminding me of what I had lost and the resentment I held towards Ethan. I had read Wuthering Heights again and again, crying as I felt Catherine's pain. Now the quote held a different meaning, giving me a glimmer of hope towards my future. I smiled, setting the book down and heading towards the kitchen. I still had no knowledge of what our souls were made of, but I felt peace knowing his and mine were the same.

I balanced the two cups in my hands and knocked on the door, being careful not to spill anything on my new hardwood floors. There was no answer. I turned the knob slowly trying not wake him up.

Ethan's arm was hanging off the side of the bed, the blankets crumpled around his legs exposing his bare torso. He was more muscular since I had last seen him. I briefly wondered how his chest and torso would feel under my finger tips.

I sat down, placing my cup on the night stand and bringing the blankets up to cover my legs. His face was free of worry, not a sound or light would wake him from his slumber.

"Good morning sleepy head." I whispered, pushing his hair away from his eyes. He stirred from my touch, but showed no signs of consciousness. Ethan rolled over, wrapping his arms around my torso and burying his face into my lap.

I had spent months day dreaming about this feeling. I wondered if our bodies would still fit perfectly together, if he still smelled like clean laundry and a hint of cologne, if my heart would still thump loudly whenever his lips grazed my neck. Falling in love again felt like a riding a bike. My body still responded to him in the same way it did before, there was no awkwardness just us falling back into our rhythm.

I raked my fingernails down his back, knowing he wouldn't resist waking up to my touch. "Good morning" I said again, hoping he would wake this time. "I brought you coffee."

He opened his eyes slowly, first with a hint of confusion when meeting his surroundings, then with a crinkle of a smile when he saw me.

"Good morning beautiful." He tightened his grip around me. I wonder if he held on so he wouldn't lose me again, the same way I clung to him. I promised myself this time would be different, I hoped he felt the same.

He sat up and I handed him his coffee, teasing him on how the tables had turned.

"This is a one time thing, I'm the one who's supposed to be bringing you coffee in bed." He grumbled, sipping the hot drink in annoyance.

"It will be pretty hard to do that, if we're sleeping in separate beds." My cheeks burned hot with embarrassment as the words slipped from my tongue. The confession was meant to stay buried in my mind.

"Oh there will be plenty of time for that." He replied with a smirk.


"Emma come on we're gonna be late." I pounded on the bathroom door, knowing it was useless. Emma took 7 hours to get ready and she was always late to everything.

She flung the door open and rolled her eyes at me with a hand on her hip. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel with only one loose strand of wet hair curling at the base of her neck. Her skin was glistening with water, the droplets tantalizing me as they trailed down her body slowly. I had behaved myself last night when I made the decision to sleep in the guest bedroom. I was trying to be the gentlemen she deserved and not rush back into something we we might not be ready for, but seeing her like this...

"Jesus Christ." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. It took every ounce of self restraint I had to keep me from bending her over and fucking her against the counter. I would take great pleasure in watching her in the mirror as I made her mine again.

"I just need five minutes" She turned back to the mirror and picked up her hair brush, completely oblivious to the fact I had been gawking.

I nodded and closed the door behind me, I felt like I needed a cold shower.

"I don't appreciate you staring at me like that." She huffed, pulling her jacket tight against her chest. She quickened her pace, leaving me momentarily trailing behind.

"I wasn't." I lied, taking long strides to catch up to her. I still had the image of the white towel clinging to her wet body burning in my mind. Even now that she was fully dressed and concealed under many layers of clothing, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. It wasn't until we had reached the entrance of the office building that she whipped her head around and scolded me firmly.

"So help me God, if you don't stop staring at me I'll gouge your eyes out" she threatened, a small smile playing on her lips.

I raised my arms up in defeat, "I didn't know it was a crime to look at my own girl." I was pushing my luck, claiming her to be mine again so soon, but the kiss we had shared had me riding on a high.

I promised to behave myself while she was in her meeting, thankful for the privacy of my thoughts. I already knew I would occupy my time daydreaming of her naked body beneath mine.

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