15 - birthday pt 1

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Everything was going according to plan.

Nothing would ruin today.

All my hard work would be worth it this second I got to see the smile on Emma's face.

Things couldn't have fallen into place more perfectly.

Or so I thought.

12 hours earlier

I placed the coffee down on the beside table, wedging the small note underneath; reminiscent to months earlier when I had done the same. This gesture had been what had gotten me here with Emma today.

I snuck out quietly, careful not to wake her. Sitting in my car, I had to rub the remnants of sleep from my eyes. How people functioned before 12 was beyond me. I only had a small time frame to pick up the cake and balloons before James went over to Emma's to lure her out of her apartment, every second was crucial.

I was losing the excitement I had leading up this day. Was it a stupid idea to spend the majority of Emma's birthday away from her to plan this surprise? I hoped she wouldn't resent me and all my efforts would be worth it in the end.

I had no time for nerves or doubts. I had to focus if I wanted to deliver.


I hated making a big deal out of birthdays and this was already off to a depressing start. I woke up to an empty bed, something that I was no longer used to after a 3 and a half week long sleepover with Ethan. Despite being accustomed to it for 17 years, I longed for his warmth and scent. Above all, I was confused. It was only 10 a.m. where was he?

I nearly tipped over a cup, reaching for my phone on the table beside me. When I took a second look I realized it was a coffee with a piece of paper under it.

Had to go run some work errands. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to tell you happy birthday the second you woke up. If it wasn't an emergency, I would be there with you right now. Kissing you, holding you, begging you to stay in bed with me just a little bit longer...
I hope this coffee can make it up to you, at least just a little bit. (You'll have to add ice, I didn't want it to melt) I will see you tonight.
Happy birthday
- Ethan xx

Though I was still slightly disappointed, I was mostly just touched at his thoughtfulness and sweet gesture. Maybe this birthday wouldn't be so bad after all. I couldn't wait to see him tonight and enjoy a quiet night in. I knew everyone was shocked and disappointed I didn't want some huge party, but I was glad they had agreed to keep it lowkey.

The note was motivation to get my day started. Maybe I'd do a face mask and take a bubble bath, even straighten up the apartment a little bit before Ethan got home. I laughed a little at my inner thoughts. Since when was I referring to my apartment as Ethan's home?

I threw on a pair of Ethan's sweats and his hoodie, gaining an extra skip in my step as I walked to the kitchen to grab ice for my coffee.

"Happy birthday!" James squealed, lounging on one of the bar stools in my kitchen.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed, not expecting anyone to be here with me. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I think you meant to say thank you." He replied, un-phased by surprise to see him. "Jesus, that scream nearly left me deaf."

"Sorry. How else am I supposed to react to someone being in my apartment, unannounced might I add, when I thought I was alone?" I walked past him and directly to the fridge. I needed this caffeine now more than ever.

"Ethan let me in. I'm taking you shopping. I was waiting here patiently because I'm polite and I wanted to let you sleep in. You're welcome." He continued tapping away at his phone like him being here wasn't completely random.

"Okay...I was kinda planning on relaxing. I appreciate the offer though." I took a seat across from him, waiting for the worst. No one turns down a shopping trip with James.

"Like I said. I'm taking you shopping, Ethan's orders. Him and Gray are slammed with work and he was very clear on what he wanted." He grinned, holding up a black amex with wide eyes. "Daddy gave us his card. I'm not taking no for answer."

"Okay gross. Don't call my boyfriend that ever again please." I shook my head in disgust, the coffee now nauseating me. James calling everyone daddy never phased me, but now that it was Ethan...it just wasn't an image I wanted in my head.

"Daddy said..."

"Okay okay stop!" I held a hand up, interrupting him from completing that sentence. "I'll go shopping with you if you just stop."

"Oh my little, Emma. Shopping is just one of the few things dad- I mean Ethan, has planned for you."

"Next time, I'm driving or we're getting an Uber." I gripped tight onto my seat, my stomach uneasy from James' driving.

"What's the point of buying a Tesla if I'm going to drive it like a Camry?" James laughed, continuing to zoom in and out of lanes.

So much for the relaxing day Ethan had allegedly planned for me, according to James. He wouldn't give me the details, but he kept stressing how this was all Ethan's plan and I couldn't refuse any of it.


I missed him and I couldn't help but wonder how he was doing. I didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend, but I figured one little text wouldn't hurt. I could just text him thank you and if I got a couple details of what he was up to that would just be a bonus

- I miss u. Thanks for the coffee, don't work too hard. See you tonight if James' driving hasn't killed me yet 😘

E 🤠: Anything for you, enjoy your day. Tell James to watch it, he has precious cargo

"We're here!" James squealed, throwing his car in park. Thank God. His driving was sending me to an early grave. "He told me to let it be a surprise, but I know you'll just annoy me till I give in and tell you."

He wasn't wrong. Me and surprises were like water and oil. "Okay go on, I'm listening."

"First, he booked you a massage and facial. Then, you have a nail appointment. After that, you have a hair appointment. Thank God. Your roots are disgusting."

"Hey! It's not that bad." I knew he was right, but I still didn't like being criticized. I threw my hood up in protest, if he didn't want to look at my hair he wouldn't have to.

"Oh relax I'm just teasing." He slung his arm around my shoulder, guiding me into the swanky shopping center where I would be spending the majority of my day. "And lastly, a shopping spree. E, said there's no limit. You're so lucky kitty girl. That man is...ugh just everything."

I was lucky. Not because of the materialistic things, but because Ethan was the most selfless and caring person I had ever met. Even when I wouldn't get to see him he had made sure I would be taken care of. A day of pampering was just what I needed to take my mind off things.

(This chapter is lowkey trash but it's gonna get better ((I hope)). I wanted to say thank you all for putting up with me not uploading for a little while. I'm in a much better headspace and I'm hoping my creative juices will start flowing again x)

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