chapter 10

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"daniel! daniel!" you cough out after have run up flights of stairs.
"what happened!?"
"he took it bad. real bad. he's drinking every glass of alcohol in his view. i don't know what to do."
"leave him he'll get over it event-"
"no!" you cut him off. "i'm not letting him drunk himself until he can't even open his eyes. i'm going down there. we have to help him daniel. he's our friend."
"no thats wrong he's my friend and your benefited friend"
"really!? you had to bring that up NOW!?"
"you're friends when you talk about kissing, you're friends with benefits when you physically do it!"
"i'm not taking ANYmore of your bull shit. leave me the fuck alone. go help your so called friends."
"fine. i will. if that's what you want, i will." you stubbornly respond.
"just don't blame me if you get pregnant wile screaming at him" he mutters under his breath.
"right that's it, DANIEL JAMES SEAVEY" you turn around and storm to him. "how fucking dare you" you whisper in his ear. he avoids your eyes and looks around under the roof balcony. "I ASKED A QUESTION!" you boom.
"yeah." he loooks you straight in the eye "well i'm not answering it." he takes another sip of his beer. with no consideration of what you do, you slap him hard in the face, knocking the beer bottle out of his hand. the drink's poured all over him; he's drenched.
"you little bitch!" you smile in a cruel and hurt way and say
"yeah, i am". and with that, you walk away and rush down the stairs, tears flooding your eyes.



LOL HAVE FUN WITH THIS QUACK AUSOWODN beef there is beef 🥩 and ☕️ a full meal with some 🥩 👩‍🍳 🥩 and some 👍 ☕️.

ok sorry that was stupid HAHAH
thank you for reading
- arielle :$/&&;&/@:

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