chapter 14

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i don't respond and start packing my guitar.
"c'mon we have to talk about this sometime."
"no we don't!"
"yes, daniel, yeah, we do" he replies in a rather calm way.
"fine. talk."
"why'd you say that?" i look at him confused "that i'd get over it and that i'd get her pregnant and that she shouldn't help me when i was really in need of someone?" i sigh and look down.
"because i found out you kissed her."
"um wrong. she kissed me."
"yeah whatever you still didn't stop it from happening"
"yeah cause i like her daniel"
"well so do i! and we have something you don't have."
jonah sighs
"yeah. we do. and i don't wanna fight with you about this. it didn't hurt me at first, but when y/n left and gave me time to reflect or whatever, it let me to think that you, you, my best friend, who knew that i still really liked her, kissed my crush. and not on the cheek, on the mouth!"
"yeah you know you're not the only one who likes her. when are you going to realise the world doesn't turn around you?!"
"you could've told me at the least!"
"guys stop!" jack appears behind the door "what's wrong with you!" we stare at him blankly "we used to be a family and now we're falling apart because of a girl. a girl who won both your hearts. get over yourself for fucks sake" he walks out the door, leaving jonah and me in complete silence.
*end of pov*
wc: 291
BEEF BEEF BEEF 🥩 kidding this isn't that bad. not gunna lie it's quite fun to make the fight HAHA ok sorry have fun i love you ❤️

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