An overprotective brother!//Nobody deserve that!!!

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Chapter 2

(Peeta's P.O.V)

I wake up to my stupid alarm clock. Ugh!

Then I remember what I said yesterday and panic. WE WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING ON FRIDAY!!! That exactly what I said. Oh no!

They are all gonna hate me for what I did to Katniss and the worst part is I can't tell them the true.

I dress ant run to my brother Rye's room. He is my older brother not the oldest.

I knock before I go inside.

Rye come out from the shower with only a towel around his waist. He look at me confused.

''Can we talk?'' I ask him. He nod his head before going into the bedroom to change.

I sit on his bed. It feels like I have been waiting for hours when it's only two minutes. He comes out dressed and sit beside me.

''What is it bro?'' He ask me.

I explain everything to him and then I ask:

''What should I do?!''

''I don't know Peeta. Maybe you should just say the true or if they are your real friends they should understand that you never would do something like that without any reason and you don't need to say anything'' His words calm me down a little and my next action surprise us both.

I hug him and say:

''Thank you so much Rye and I know I don't say this often but I love you Rye! You aren' t just me brother you are my best friend''

I know he is smiling when he say:

''I love you to lil bro''

I get up to leave when he ask me:

''Even a better friend then Finn'' I know he is joking so I just say:

''Maybe... Maybe not!''

Before I go out of his room and walk to the kitchen and to my luck my mom isn't there so I grab breakfast before me, rye and David (the oldest one) walk together actually for the fist time happily to school.

(Katniss P.O.V)

I standing with the group in the school hall when we see the tree Mellark's boy walking there together laughing. After everything he have done to me he doesn't deserve to be happy does he?!

I sigh loudly and the hole group turns to me.

''What is it Kat?'' Gale ask me.

I point to Peeta and cause he is the only one who knows wha happen he ask:

''What did he do?''

''I just don't think that he is worth to be happy after everything he did to me!''

Gale just pull me into a hug and I let my tears fall while I remember Peeta's word:

I can't believe I spent my time on being friend with an ugly bitch!

''OVER HERE PEET!'' Finn yell to him.

Peeta give his brothers man hugs before he jog over here.

''Explain what you did who make my sister cry!'' He say pointing to me.

Peeta looks at me and what is it I see in his eyes? Guilt?

The school bell ring and we all decide to ditch so we run to the beach and they all tell us to explain.

Peeta looks down and I stay silent.

Gale decides to explain everything:

''Well when we all was 10 years old Peeta decide to end up his friendship who's Katniss without any reason s-''

''I had a reason!'' Peeta cut Gale off.

Gale roll his eyes at Peeta before he continue:

''Peeta's 'reason' is that Katniss was 'a slut, a whore and a ugly bitch' So he said this things to her even thought she isn't any of this things. There their friendship ended!''

Peeta is looking down probably embarrassed of what he done and before anyone know it Finn's overprotective brother side come out and he begin to punch Peeta. Peeta doesn't even fight back.

Finn is yelling at him mean things like 'how could you do that to her your worthless piece of shit!' or 'are you too weak to fight back sissy who likes to bake and paint!' or 'it's you who is an ugly bitch who nobody like' or even 'are you seriously that hurtles! Nobody do that to my sis without paying!!!'

Gale join Finn and suddenly all of them are beating the shit out of him even the girls. Annie is yelling at them to stop but then I stand up and tell everyone to back of at least 3 times before the actually listen.

I walk over to the bruised Peeta and kick 'where the sun don't shine' at least 5 times before we all leave him there. Annie keep looking bad before she looks at us shake her head and say:

''Whatever he did to you Katniss he haven't done to us anything and nobody deserve what you just did to him!'' She runs to him and dial someone's number.

We all look at each other but when I remember what he did to me I keep walking like nothing happen.

I turn around to the others and say:

''Come on! It wasn't that bad'' They all keep walking without Marvel who actually was the only one who didn't touch him expect for Annie. He looks guilty and run back to them.


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