I have nothing... no one!

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Chapter 7

(Peeta's P.O.V)

I just wanna disappear.

I want to run away.

I wanna die.

It's not like people would care anyway. I mean if you think about there is nobody who really cares about me.

My mom hates me.
My dad have two other sons.
My brother have other people, but I... Yeah, I have nothing... no one!

I walk into the bathroom inside of my bedroom and look into the mirror.

I punch it as hard as I can so my hand begin to bleed and the mirror brake. I take a sharp piece of the mirror and slide it across my wrist.
First it hurt like hell but then the pain slowly fades away and it begins to feel good.
I keep doing it until my arms is filled with scars.

I stand up and wash my hands before I clean up the bathroom.

I'm look at the clock and relize that I'm a half hour late to the bakery. Oh no!

I begin to run to the bakery as fast as I can. When I get there I'm breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" I say.

"Peeta mom is going to kill you!" I hear my oldest brother David say.

"You don't say!" I mutter.

I look up and see that all of The Victors are here.

"You are soaking wet!" David add.

I look down at my clothes and see that they are really wet then I look out of the window in the bakery and relize they it's raining.

"Oh..." I say. David chuckle.

"You know she really is going to kill you! She didn't sleep well last night!" Rye say seriously.

"It was probably cause you and your girlfriend kept her up!" I say and he blush furiously.

"How did... How did you...?"

"You forgot to lock the door and I had something important to ask you but then I saw that you were very busy!"

He blush even more and ask:

"You didn't see much did you?!?!!!" He ask looking down.

"Oh no... Just you... On top of her... Making out... Shirtless before I run out" I explain between dramatically pauses.

Now he is probably more red than a tomato but David just laugh and say:

"Oh my god!!! My brother had sex with his girlfriend yesterday and my youngest brother walked in on them!!!"

"Shut up! It ain't funny!" Rye say crossing his arms over his chest.

David and I just laugh at him...

And just then Rye's girlfriend run into the bakery.

"Hey!" She say and walk up to Rye and kiss him. That just makes us laugh even harder while Rye blush.

"What?!" She ask.

Me and David fall to the ground laughing so hard that our stomach begin to hurts.

Rye whisper something in her ear and she look at me then at David before her eyes widen in chock and she get as red as a tomato while me and David only laugh harder.

We only stop laughing when we hear Katniss say:

"Are you crazy Gale. It's raining!"

We stand up and see that Gale is dragging Katniss out of the bakery.

When they are standing in the middle of the rain he lean down and kiss her.
The girl inside the bakery 'aww' and I feel like a piece of my heart just broke.

Katniss pull away first and giggle.

She never used to giggle, she really loves him. I can see it in her eyes.

But like for real what did I actually think?

That after everything we could be together?

I seriously think that she did die than be with me.

I hear Johanna sigh loudly and turn around.


You can see it clearly. The jealousy in her eyes. She meet my eyes and her eyes widen in shock when she realize that I know that she have a crush on... Gale!

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