The fight!

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A/N: So I have decided to keep writing this story so here is another chapter for you and thank you all for all your feedback and love to this book...!

Chapter 5

(Peeta's P.O.V)

It has been 2 weeks science Gale hit me in my head and yes it's still hurt but I guess I should be thanking God that I'm not dead right now. Marvel, Annie and Finnick is standing by my locker while I take out my books. The other walk by us and Gale yell:

"Look at the loser!"

Everybody in the hall burst out laughing.

"Yeah I'm looking at him right now!" I snap looking at Gale.

'Oooooh' and 'burn' hears from the crowd around us.

"At least I'm not cripple!" He snap back looking at me.

"It's strange isn't?! How it's me who have a fake leg but I'm your still the slower one? Now is the real question if I'm the fast one or you the slow one!" I say.

Gale's face is read of anger and Katniss say:

"Come on babe it's not worth it. He is not worth it!"

"Wait! Are you dating him?!" Annie yell.

"Gotta problem with it? At least I'm not dating a sugar crazy person!" She snap at Annie.

"At least he is not a fat lying bastard!" Annie shout at her.

"What did you just call him?!" Katniss ask angrily.

"Deaf too!" Marvel mutter.

Gale is just about to punch him when I grab his arm, twist it, bend down and grow him over my shoulder to the other side.

"Don't you dare touch him!" I yell at him.

Cato swings a punch towards me but Finn grab his arm stopping it.
Katniss sit down beside Gale asking if he is ok.
We begin to walk away and everyone begin to applauds at us. I turn around and my eyes meet Gale's.

"Next time don't start fight your destined to lose!" I say.

Who is the losers now!" Marvel say and we all walk away.


A/N: I know this is a really short chapter but I don't have anymore ideas so please if have any ideas send them to me private.

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