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a/n: i couldn't find a picture for todays chapter so enjoy Fixer by Soraru and Nqrse ;-; (unrelated to the chapter)



-to ease the grief or trouble of

The tall blonde man glared, looking down at you, literally.

"Brother! No she might have meant something else" Emma said towards her brother who still had glared at you. He grunted, backing up.

"Oi qué estás haciendo aquí?!? (what are you doing there?!?)" Anya came up to Abel and Emma. "Oh Anya! te estábamos buscando! (We we're looking for you!)" Emma said with relief clearly lacing around her words. Anya crossed her arms clearly pissed.

"Si quieres encontrarme, no puedes abrir la puerta. (If you wanted to find me you don't just open my door)"

"no lo hicimos. ella hizo. (We didn't. She did)" Abel stiffly stated making the Mexican flash you a quick glare.

You watched the whole ordeal as they exchanged what seemed to be like insults and scolding in another language. They were arguing in another language you couldn't understand, probably Spanish or some other Hispanic language or something.

"¿Puedes dejar de discutir y solo ir al capitán? ya nos esta esperando. (Can you stop arguing and just go to the captain? He's already waiting for us)" Emma cut in. Abel get out a small scoff and walked out of the hallway and to the deck. "Estare ahi pronto (I'll be there soon)" Anya said and pushed you inside the room making you fall down.

"What the heck is wrong with you people and not knowing what manners are?!" You yelled out.

"If you have manners you wouldn't be yelling all the time like a helpless and confused girl" she said.

"you aren't wrong" you said standing up. "Who are they? Why are you so pissed and why did you push me?" You asked her.

"You asked them what country they are?" She questioned back. "Is that illegal?"


"I do what I want. By what they seemed to need, you should be up in the deck since the captain is calling you" You said. "Thank you for reminding me. I don't want you to talk to anyone you don't know or say anything about the truth." She hissed and left.

As soon as she left slamming the door you walked to your hammock and made yourself fall on it as you let out a groan. "What am I?! Some sort of pet or child? I swear I must be going insane from having such a imagination of countries being people and pirates in a dream. Just wake up Irl me."

You tossed and turned doing nothing for what seemed like an hour already. As you tried standing up your hair was caught on one of the holes in the hammock. You slowly let your hands on top of your head and pulled on your hair and the hole to untangle it. "I miss my bed," You grumbled. You walked in front of the mirror and saw your hair which was already a mess from you laying on your hammock.




You turned to the door and froze, hesitating to go to it. You let out a small breath composing yourself. 'If I do open it then there's a 99.9999999% of Anya turning into a jalapeno again ,not to be racist. I mean it is a dream. But if I do get scolded again it's more like a nightmare' You bit your lower lip contemplating. 'Meh. Yolo.'

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now