Chapter One - Bye, See You Soon

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Julia's POV

August 7th, 2017

My eyes scanned my room for my last shirt to pack up into my shiny black suitcase, ultimately turning to the chair next to my bed. I pushed it as hard as I could into the suitcase, seeing that it was already overflowing. "You gotta sit on it, Julie," said a very annoying voice from my phone. I scoffed, but plopped down onto it anyway, making my mattress dip.

"Yeah, yeah, be quiet, you goof," I felt a grin tug at my lips but didn't give Ethan the satisfaction of seeing it through the horrible pixelated phone screen. As I zipped it completely around, I scanned my room once again for any other things I needed.

Today was the day I'd go back to New Jersey. I'd been gone for over two months, spending time with my mom, and my best friend Simone. "Is that Ethan?" Mom yells from the couch. I can hear Newt Scamander's voice sound through the apartment. She's watching one of my favorite movies without me! Rude.

"Yes, Mom." I answer quickly, watching a smile erupt onto Ethan's face.

"Hi Ethan!!" Mom screams again.

"Hi Mrs. Kensington!" Ethan puts a hand through his hair as the screen jumps around from his shifting.

I would see him, Kathlyn, my half-sister, Grayson, his twin, and my dad and stepmom at the airport tonight. The next day I'd meet my friends Sam, Caleigh, and Toni at Sam's house. I'd be back with them, but I'd miss my mom and my brother and Simone. After a few more minutes on FaceTime with him, I hang up and bring my suitcase to the door. My room was the same as when I came back. Pretty plants everywhere, dark stained wooden furniture, little strung-up lights, a floor-length mirror, a desk with pictures on the wall. I felt like Hannah Montana, living a double life.

As I stepped back into the living room, my mom was at the counter with her scrubs on. "You're going to work?" I asked. I knew she didn't have much time off, but I was leaving today.

"Yes, Julie," she turned to me, "But I asked Linda to cover my last shift so I could drive with you and Dan to the airport. Simone can come if she wants, too," she walked to me and kissed me on the cheek, hugging me tightly. I knew she was just as affected by this as I was. With that I tugged on my painted vans and grabbed my phone and keys, telling my mom I was going to Simone's. My feet pound against the concrete steps, and I see an elderly figure try to open his door with an armful of groceries. I stop at his floor.

"Here, let me help you, Mr. Jones," I smiled at the man, his warm eyes full of life. Grabbing his groceries, he unlocked his door.

"Thank you, Julia," I walked inside and set his groceries on his counter, he continued, "You're leavin' tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm going home for school and to see my sister." I grinned at him.

"Well, I'm gonna miss your smile 'round here," he was such a nice man.

I returned the smile, "Don't worry, I'll be back for my brother's wedding. Tell your granddaughter I said hi."

"You bet I will. Have a safe flight, Julia,"

"Thanks, Mr. Jones."

I left him there and went down all the stairs, quickly crossing the busy street filled with cars and taxis to Simone's apartment complex. The building was made out of old brick, but it still had its charm. When I got to the old door, I hit the knocker in the pattern that we made when we were little to let each other know it was us. Simone opens the door and envelopes me in one of her world-famous hugs. It was going to be hard to say goodbye.

~Eight Hours Later~

I cried. A lot.

You should've seen me. I looked like a freaking baby. I've never cried that much, and I was literally going to see them in December. Now I was watching the city escape me from a plane window, and I could do nothing about it.

But then I thought what I would get to see in just a short while.

Hazel eyes, dark hair, the most charming smile ever. Also known as my boyfriend, Ethan Dolan. Annoying voice, but a damn good dancer, my sister Kat. Brings you to smile even when you're down, Grayson Dolan. Hardworking father, my Dad. Terrible cook, my stepmom, Elisha. And let's not forget the furry friend who has as dark a coat as the night, my dog Luna. I would see all those people, even more, some good, some bad. But I didn't mind the bad, the good outweighed it.

All this thinking of my family caused my eyelids to get droopy, and soon enough sleep overtook me.

The plane to a toll on the ground, making me jump up from sleep. Swimmer's instincts. I calmed myself and after waiting a painful fifteen minutes I was off the plane and hurrying to get to the gate. My eyes anticipated every waiting moment, and then at last I saw them. Ethan was in the front, staring straight at me. Kat and Grayson were behind him, and my dad and Elisha behind them. I started dragging my suitcase with me to greet them, almost running. And then it was bliss, I was in Ethan's arms, after waiting months. I smelled the familiar cherry and vanilla as he gripped me tighter. I felt his uneven breaths against my shoulder and I swear it was one of the greatest things ever.

I almost tackled Kat in a hug, pulling her close in greeting and grinning ear to ear. I gave a hug to Grayson, who was quite cheery, as per usual. And my Dad basically attacked me in an embrace. It's hard for him to have people leave, and Elisha greeted me too.

We made our way to the car, Ethan's hand intertwined with mine. My whole body surged with the happiness of seeing my family, and I shuffled closer to Ethan, even though it was hot outside. It was early morning; the sun had not even risen yet, and I fell asleep again, but in the car. When I woke up I was on Ethan's shoulder, his hand still fiddling with mine. We were just about home, and I was eager to see Luna and my room again, even if it was more dull than mine in New York. We all crowded into the house and Luna practically jumped onto me. I spent a long time playing with her until it was just Ethan and me in the entrance room. Kat and Grayson had gone upstairs, and Elisha and Dad to bed.

"Can you stay tonight?" I asked Ethan, who sat cross-legged in front of me.

"Anything for you," he laughed as we got up and went to my room. We hadn't really done anything like this together; and I know it sounds weird, trust me, but it made me feel vulnerable. It was literally just sleeping. I'm seventeen. I can handle myself. Ethan brought my suitcase up to my room and I handed him one of the sweaters of his he let me take to New York to change into. "Thanks," He went to the bathroom and came back with his sweatpants and sweater.

I realised all of a sudden that my shirt tied up in the back, and I usually would have my mom undo it for me, but now she wasn't here, and Kat's bedroom was locked. Crap. I looked across the room to Ethan, "Could you help me? W-with my shirt," I turned my back to him to show the strings. I stood in front of my mirror, staring at my red face.

"Uh yeah, sure, of course," He stepped over to me as I moved my long hair out of the way. He carefully undid the back, cold fingers glazing over it. I felt warm kisses dot my shoulder and my neck, and I moved my fingers to his head, running my hands through it. I turned to him, my back still exposed and kissed him for the first time in two months. It made my stomach drop and a dull ache go through it, and I parted from him, in complete adoration.

I cleared my throat but still laughed nontheless, "I better go change now." Ethan's eyes bore into mine.

"U-uh yeah, heh," he awkwardly laughs as I kiss his cheek and change in the bathroom. I come out in my pajamas and get under the now unfamiliar covers next to him. Ethan sighs, pulling me close as I rest my head on his chest, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I say back. "Hey Ethan?"


"What do you think senior year'll be like?"

"I think it'll be one hell of a ride."

- -

hi everyone! tashi here! if you haven't read the previous book to this one, i suggest you do it! it'll make a lot more sense if you do. anyway, welcome to the sequel to pairs! i hope you stick around for the rest of this book :) have an amazing day!


Senior Year - A Dolan Twin Fanfiction (Sequel to Pairs) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now