Chapter Three - Camping

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Kathlyn's POV

August 22, 2017

Pushing the last suitcase into the car, I hopped in my seat. The Hollis-Dolan Camping trip was officially starting. Julia sat next to me in the backseat with our dog, while my parents were in the front. And me, being me, got my camera out to save these memories for later, but to also get some great content for my channel. Hey, what can I say? I've grown fond of YouTube.

"Mom, Dad, you wanna say something to the camera?" I flipped it to them, and my mom laughed. Both of them smiled and waved as my Dad pulled out onto the road. I explained to the camera that we were staying in the woods for a few days. After I while I put it away and popped my earbuds in, shuffling my playlist.

Hours passed and the drive was more dreadful with each passing minute. I hated sitting down for long periods of time, and that was honestly the reason I started dancing. I didn't get out enough, and so I signed up for dance after begging my parents nonstop for days. It made me healthy, too.

Speaking of health, I started seeing a therapist over summer break. Grayson suggested working through my problems, and I agreed, realizing that I need to face them rather than hide away. And I think it made me a little stronger, too.

Julia's hadn't had an anxiety attack in a long time, and she didn't have one over summer break either, which makes me so proud. The medication she's been taking recently got changed but it still works for her. I find myself admiring her courage and strength alot, not to mention how pretty she is. I'm jealous of how tall she is, me being a few inches shorter. And when I think about what's gonna happen when I leave for college, it makes me really sad. I have no idea if she's going to California with me, and there's a big chance that she won't. But Grayson told me him and Ethan were moving to LA, too, and that Ethan hasn't told her yet. He can't keep his secret for long, because the longer he waits, the worse it'll be to break the news to her.

Also, I think I've decided on what type of dance I'm going to study. I'm going to study ballet. I've always had a good connection to it, and I know I'm a little late for the game, but I think I can catch up. After I finish school, I'll search for jobs in dance companies, and I want to dance in ballets like the Nutcracker and so many more. My eyes began to get heavier as I thought of school, and soon, the warmth of sleep overtook me.

I felt my arm being pushed, and my eyes fluttered open to hear Julia saying something to be indistinctly. I pulled my earbuds out, asking her what she said.

"We're here, the sun's gonna set in a couple hours, so let's get our stuff out," She pulled her long hair up away from her face, and opened the door, getting out of the car, and Luna jumping out behind her. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and smelled the air as I opened the door. The smell of pine and saltwater wafted around me, and the wind pushed my clothes, tickling my skin. At this point, the Dolans pulled up behind us, and we all began getting our luggage out. Grayson stepped out of the car and gave me a hug, greeting me.

About an hour later, with each of our rooms and cabins situated, Julia sat on the couch lazily as I helped Grayson put his clothes away in him and Ethan's room. Our parents trusted the four of us with our own cabin. Ethan and Grayson's older sister already left for college, so that explained her absence.

I walked into the living room and kitchen, and saw that Julia fell asleep with Ethan on the couch. Her head lay on his rising and falling chest, and I tried as quietly as possible to open the door to our bedroom to get my swimsuit. Grayson suggested we go to the lake to swim, and I happily obliged, getting my swimsuit on. "Kat?" He whispered from outside my door as I pulled on my top, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, I'm dressed," I turned as he opened it, in a t-shirt and swim trunks, "Ready to go?"

He grinned, "Yeah, I told our parents." He held out his hand to me as I took it. In only ten minutes, we were there, and the lake was completely deserted. I saw the perfect spot to jump from, and I handed Gray my towel without telling him anything. "What are you doing?" I grinned at him as ran off to the rock, and jumped off it, free-falling into the lake. I felt my ears pop as I fell deep in the water, swimming up to the surface for air.

"You are so dumb, Kat! You could've hit shallow water!" Grayson screamed down at me from the cliff.

I laughed, pushing my wet hair back, "What's a little risk?" Grayson shook his head, and then disappeared. "Gray, where are you?" I screamed, and then I saw a huge figure hurtling towards me, and then a gigantic splash. Gray's head bobbed to the surface, and he shook his wet hair out, spraying water everywhere. I swam over to him, and wrapped my legs around his waist, the water cool. Putting my hands around his neck, he pulled me in to meet his lips to mine.

For some reason I felt this insane ache in my stomach, and not the usual ones when you kiss someone. It actually hurt, it actually hurt to love someone this much. And my mind spoke for me, the words just churning out as we parted, "I love you." I didn't hesitate once, and I felt my eyes widen as I leaned my forehead onto his. I could feel my blue eyes staring into his hazel ones, and it gave me a headache, but it's all I could focus on. My words sounded nervous as I gripped his shoulders.

Grayson smiled, "I-I love you, too," and all I could do was look at him and press his face again to mine. Sure, it may have been too soon, but I know love when I feel it. The same thing happened with... well, I don't want to say his name because it'll resurface old memories. But right now, I love Grayson, and I can't imagine a future without him.

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hello everyone! i'm back from my enjoyed break and ready to write again... and let me say... it was hard getting back into the swing of things, but i'm here and i'm happy you're reading! ily!


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