Chapter 1

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Brooklyn Carson handed the bouncer her fake I.D as she tapped her foot out of habit. It was the calm moment during a mission before everything went to Chaos. The part where anything and everything could go wrong before you had to do the actual job. And she loved it.

The bouncer looked at her I.D and back to her, "Are you sure you're 23? You look younger than that." He said.

Brooklyn just smiled, "I guess I just have one of those faces." She lied cooly with her dazzling smile.

He just shrugged and stepped aside, allowing her access to the club.

She walked inside and immediately spotted her target. She had seen the pictures and it was hard to miss him, surrounded by gorgeous women.

Brooklyn walked towards him but didn't make it obvious. He spotted her right away and immediately made his way towards her.

Brooklyn smiled, she knew that it would be an easy night. She had read his file.

She felt his breath on the back of her neck as he spoke to her, "Why don't you come to the back room with me?" He asked.

She smiled and let him lead the way.

When he closed the door behind her he asked her, "What's your name?"

"That is for me to know." She said, speaking for the first time.

"Well. do we have a feisty one here? I like feisty." He said.

"Oh I'm not just feisty. I know a lot of things too." She added, rowing the boat to the edge of the waterfall.

"And what do you know?" He asked

"I know your name is Chandler Beckerman and you owed Mr. Gregory ten thousand dollars." And the boat is over the edge.

Brooklyn turned around to face him. He had a look of pure terror on his face, "Please, give me a few more day. I have almost all of it." He begged, pleaded.

"I'm sorry Mr. Beckerman but you've already been given an extra three days. I'm afraid Mr. Gregorys' generosity has expired." She said beginning to walk around the room, examining the contents so she could make the turnout of the night look like an accident.

"You're the girl they all told me about. The Shadow." He said.

Brooklyn smiled, "That's the one." She said with a smile the devil himself would have feared.

"So if you would be cooperative and just let me get my job done we won't have any trouble." She said.

"Um, I will be dead!" He exclaimed.

"Yes but you'll die either way." She sad with a shrug.

She pulled one of her favorite daggers out of her heeled boot.

He put up a good fight, but Brooklyn was raised to do this. So she won. She had made sure that during the fight there was no damage to the room and all she had to do was wipe her trace off of everything.

Mr. Beckermans' workers rushed into the room after finding the key and found their boss, lying on the floor, dead. They knew who did it by his slashed wrists, but she was gone.

The only thing disturbing the room was the breeze coming in through the window that hadn't been open just five minutes ago.

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