Why dont you love me any more

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(A/n Sabrina hasn't wrote singular  Also this is how Sabrina writes Paris in the story )

Sabrina POV

I thought he loved, he loved me then, why her  why. I shut my hotel room and balled up. Tears trickled down my face my body racked with sobs, As I screamed "Why" over and over again till my voice was a squeak. I pulled out my phone and bought myself a plain ticket to Paris. 

I'm taken myself to we're I should be

I got a pen and starting writing down what I'm feeling and why I'm going to Paris this gives me  a calm feeling.

I order  a Uber  to get away from  one person  and one person only


Three hours earlier

Toms POV
"Don't you love me"Scarlett says while pushing me to a wall. "I do I love as my friend."

"No your lying, you love me we dated all thru high school you planned on proposing. Until stupid Hollywood took you from me."

"Yes I did love you Scarlett but now I have Sabrina" I said maneuvering around Scarlett.

"I love you Tom" she says while pulling me into a kiss.  I couldn't pull away she played football (or soccer if your an American) she built up her muscles. We were like that for about another 39 seconds the worst 39 seconds of my life before I here footsteps and sobs.

I knew who exactly that was


Present time

Sabrina's POV

I sat on my airplane it's now 1:25 Am and I'm so tired but I don't want to sleep.  I have a empty seat next to me which reminded me when me and Tom flew to Australia, 4 days ago. How can someone change in such small time. I brought out my pin and started to write lyrics.

The first verse was done I knew what to call it.


So you might be wondering why am I fleeing to Paris. Paris is the most Romantic place  on earth why would I go to Paris when I just got my heartbroken. Well Paris brings me peace I rather be in the place I love by myself to rap my head around my love life situation.

40 minutes later

My phone started buzzing like crazy, it was everyone from the cast. I Changed Toms contact
♥️😍 Tom❤️❤️


Ya I know the emojis are childish but I don't care.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

2 hours and 29 minutes later

The captain came over the coms and said we're landing , I got up and grabbed my stuff.

The first thing I did when I got to the airport was go to the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked horrible my eyes were puffy, my nose was red, and  I had tear stains on my Cheeks.

I left and got a cab I was in Paris


It was morning time so I went to a small cafe it smelt like pastry and coffee. I was looking at my notebook reading the lyrics I wrote until I bumped into a good looking stranger.

The end of this chapter favorite chapter so far I didn't know what to do with this story but I had this idea sorry for not posting.  Who should be the random stranger any celebrity's

Don't forget to




Love morg💜💜💜

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