Listen to your heart

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Sabrina POV

"No I can't, I can't be your girlfriend." I say while bolting away from the Eiffel Tower.

Why did I say no, Why Sabrina why. He was cute he was a nice guy but I said no. Was it because of Tom..... Obviously yes.

I love Tom Holland.

Not Loved.


He was someone that accepted me no matter what. But he betrayed me, well how do I know I never gave him a chance to explain did I make a mistake.

I reached my house and curled up in a ball. I cried not because of the Jax but because of Tom. I miss him So much .

I decided I'm going to America I have to see Tom it's been two months. That's what my heart is telling me.

Twenty minutes later

"Minnie I'm going home."

"I'm going with you" Minnie
Say standing up testify.

"Your my best friend Sabrina and I want to go on an adventure come on Brina let me go"

"Ok Fine, You can Come." I say while she is jumping in joy.

We're going to America

Short chapter I know I'm sick and I've been dying to write this chapter pls vote and Comment and tell all your friends to read this story to get me to 1k

Love Morg ❤️💜💙😇

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