We Both Have Pervs For Sensei's (Naruto Fanfic)

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A/N okay guys this is a Naruto fanfic about the 2 and a half years Naruto and pervy sage travail and train. It about a boy and his sensei that meet Naruto and Jiraiya. Naruto and Sota have a lot in conmen and so do there sensei's. I hope you guys like it. It's my first Naruto fanfic. I have dislexeyer so sorry for the bad spelling. Please vote comment and fan!!!! :D I don't own Naruto. 


Name: Sota

Age: 15

Looks and outfit: Pic at side  only the headband is long like Naruto's in shp

Rank: Chunin

Personality: kind, good fighter, strong and very much like Naruto.

Background: When he was 3 a dragon attacked his clan. His granddad sealed the dragon in him to save the village hidden in then thorns. Like Naruto the villagers where scared and hated him all but on person he only ever had his Sensei and friend Kazumi.

Skills: He's good with a sword thanks to his training with Kazumi Sensei or Etchi sensei as he calls her. Summing dragons, when he use the power of the dragon inside him he has a dragons tail,teeth, claws,scales and wings and he can breath fire,air,water and lightning. and he's fast. wing will be shineing light bule and the tail will be red, same with the scales. His main styles when not using the dragons power are Fire air and lightning.

We Both Have Pervs For Sensei's  (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now