Ch 2 I will master the Rasengan

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FF (in our room)

"Ok guys let’s get some sleep" Pervy Sage said and we nod.

"Night" We said to each over and we went bed.

FF (morning)

"Sota....Sota...get up its time to train" Etchi sensei said shaking me.

"All right, I'm up" I said.

"Good, get dressed and meet me and Jiraiya where we were yesterday ok" she told me.

"Ok, I'll be there soon" I said siting up.

"Ok, see you soon" she said.

"Wait, what about food?" I asked her.

"There will be some rice balls there for you, see you there" she said and left. I then got up and I gotted dressed and I went to go and meet them.

FF (at the top of the hill)

I was at the top of the hill, Pervy Sage and Etchi sensei was there and I walked over.

"Hi" I said.

"Hi" they said back.

"Where's Naruto?" I asked them.

"He's gone around the town, he'll be here later" Pervy Sage said.

"Ok then" I said.

"Here" Etchi sensei said giving me a rice ball.

"Thanks" I thanked her and I ate it.

"You two ready for the second step?" Pervy Sage asked.

"Yep" we said and he gave us a rubber ball each.

"Watch" he said and he burst a rubber ball with no trouble.

"This step is about power, you must burst the rubber ball and since rubber is thicker and air is completely different from water it forces you to use denser chakra to break it" he told us.

"So we have to put a lot of power into our chakra in order to burst the rubber ball" I said.

"Yeah" he said.

"Ok then, let’s do this Etchi sensei" I said to Etchi sensei.

"Yeah let’s do this" she said and we started to train. So when I rotate my chakra inside the ball, I have to put a lot of power in to it ok then let’s give this a go. I then started to rotate my chakra in every direction, I'm able to get it to move but it’s not enough power, I'll keep on trying on till I get it to burst.

FF (7 hours)

Damn, it’s been 7 hours and I still haven't burst this damn thing. *Bang* I heard a ball burst, don't tell me I looked over and she’s done it, Etchi sensei has burst the ball.

"Yes! I have done it again!" she said jumping up and down with a smile on her face like last time.

"Damn it!!!" I shouted frustrated.

"No matter how hard I try I can't get this thing to burst" I said.

"Don't worry I know you can do it, just believe in yourself ok" Etchi sensei said with a close eye smile.

"Thanks but I don't know how to bust this thing" I told her.

"Maybe I can give you a tip" Pervy Sage said.

"That would be grate thanks" I said.

"There, look at this piece of paper" he said showing me a blank piece of paper.

"I don't get it" I told him.

"Here try this" he said and he showed me the piece of paper again but with a dot on it.

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