And the knife was thrown...

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Chapter 3.

I realized that I was no longer there and I was now in my own room. I looked up at Katy and she was staring at me in confusion.

'A-a what?' She asked. I looked at her eyes and they were filled with worry.

'A d-demon came and entered my chest... It left a hole..' I muttered.

'Akuma...Nothing is there..'

I looked down to see that nothing was there... No blood... No hole...Nothing...I released myself from Katy's grip and stood up in eyes widened and I frantically started touching my chest in search of the gaping hole that demon had left. Still nothing... I reverted my gaze back at Katy, She looked horrified... Her face was as blank as a sheet. It looked like she had just seen a ghost... 

'K-katy?' I whispered.  She was staring directly at my right eye...

'Katy..what's wrong?..

Her eyes widened as I moved towards her..she scrambled to get up, grabbing anything she could to help her...


'GET AWAY YOU DEMON!' She interrupted me before I could finish what I wanted to say. Leaning over to the desk, she grabbed the pencil and then stood up. Katy took a defensive pose and pointed the pencil towards my chest.

'One step and I'll kill you!' She blurted out. I was utterly confused...I didn't know why she was doing this... I tried to slowly walk past her, but as soon as I was in her path, Katy pushed me as hard as she could, causing me to smash into the window next to me. A glass shard impaled my back, the blood from the wound trickled down my body and onto the floor and other glass shards. The pain was so unbearable that I never noticed Katy slipping away from the room and running downstairs into the kitchen. I clutched my back and looked to where Katy was. I soon heard the kitchen drawer being opened and something being taken out from it. I looked at the broken window and saw myself in the remaining glass that was attached to it. My right eye was white and had a black cross in the middle...I had black eyes before... I also noticed that my white hair had now been turned black with dark red faded ends. I stood there shaking...What happened to me... Tears rolled down my face as Katy stood in the doorway holding a knife... She was shaking violently and had her remaining hand clutched.  I placed my hands on the sharp edges of the window and jumped.

I landed and rolled harshly on the ground beneath me. I struggled to stand up from how much blood I had lost in that one day. I looked up to my window to see Katy glaring at me and getting ready to throw the knife at me. I glanced around to see if there was anywhere I could hide.....nothing. She pulled back her arm and prepared herself. She then flung her arm forward and the knife was thrown...

The Demon Inside Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now