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Chapter 4.

The knife sliced through the air as it headed towards me... I noticed that the wind was getting stronger and that it was starting to rapidly swirl around me, it brushed against my face harshly. The scent of the wind always made me calm... I never knew why but it felt like home... Suddenly it burst into a bright blue flame and completely engulfed me. It sizzled as the knife hit the outside, barely making any damage. I sat there astonished. Was it meant to do that? Was I being protected? Questions raced through my mind as the flame slowly disintegrated into flakes of blue light. The once-rapid winds had become tranquil and gentle. It softly caressed my hair as I stared off into the distance wondering what had happened.

A voice ringed throughout my mind...

'Akuma we need to leave now'

I looked around at my surroundings to try and find the owner of the voice but I couldn't see anyone. I stood up and started to walk down the stone path that was outside my house. I soon remembered that I had a glass shard impaled in my back when I felt something tugging on it. I yelped in pain and jolted my head towards my back. A shadow-like black cat was hanging from my back trying to remove it from the wound. As soon as it saw my terrified face, it looked up at me and grinned. It soon resumed its work on trying to remove the shard. 

'W-what a-are you?' I stammered. The shadow-like creature returned it's gaze to me and glared at me.

'It doesn't matter now, you need to find somewhere safe first before your transformation'

It jumped down from my back with the glass shard in its mouth. It carefully placed it down and looked at me. 

'Let's go, boy' It started to run down the street at a fast pace, placing it's foggy front paws on the ground and bounces off its hind legs. I started to run after it. I felt drawn to this cat... Almost like we were connected in a way.

The Demon Inside Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now