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Heart racing, chest pounding, the girl ran. As far as she could from the kingdom behind her. Not knowing about the storm she had created, and left behind.

Not pausing to rest, only slowing to a walk when she reached a tall, snow covered mountain. Believing that at this point, no one would be stupid enough to follow her, she continued her walk. The wind around her still billowed as she held her bare arm to her chest.

She didn't dare even glance back until she neared the top. She paused, contemplating what had happened.

What are you so afraid of?

The words rang in her ears, tears stinging her eyes.

"Conceal don't feel." She whispered to herself. The mantra that made up her lonely childhood.

The woman looked up fiercely, what use was it to hide anymore? Within days the guests would be returning to their countries, telling the entire world of her secret.

With a swift motion, she tore off the blue glove and threw it into the billowing wind.

Looking at her now bare hands, a small smile toyed at her lips. Opening her palms, one by one, she allowed the glowing white snowflakes the shoot out of them.

The image of her sister still fresh in her mind, she turned to a pile of snow, waving her hands, moving the snow and wind, she created a short round snowman, yawing the wind to push nearby twigs in his sides as arms.

The winds calmed as she continued to test her abilities, pushing snow to the side and continued her walk up the mountain.

Wind began to pick up, her purple cape pulling at her neck.

Fingers unfastening the clasp, the cape was swept away by the billowing wind, off to the unknown.

A childlike exhilaration filled her as she began to run once more. A steep cliff stood in-front if her. Looking at her hands, then up at the other side, she smiled. The woman pushed her hands forward, and a frosted over stair case began to materialize. Taking the first step, the ice smoothed over.

Feeling giddy, she began to run up the frozen stairs, holding her hands out in front of her and creating more and more steps. The frozen staircase arched over the cliffs. Reaching the top the woman spun around, looking at what she had done.

She threw her foot in to the ground, a snowflake pattern emitting from it. With all of her strength, she pulled the snowflake floor up higher in the mountain. Pillars of ice sprouted from the snowy ground, as another floor of ice covered the others place.

Waving her hands the woman made walls for her new home, along with a ceiling.

Reaching for her blonde hair, the woman tore out her braid, leaving her bangs to fly around her face. She ran her hands through her hair, freezing the bangs in place.

Looking at her dark blue dress, she waved her hands at the bottom, and ice began to frost over the fabric. Crawling up her body until her wore a dress of ice, throwing her hands back, the ice materialized behind her, creating a new cloak.

Looking out the window that over looked the entire mountain, Queen Elsa smiled.

A/N: so, that's the first chapter of the rewrite! In my honest opinion, I think it's better than the old book, which I'm not very happy with. Let me know what you think!
The next chapter will be about Jack, and that should be coming out soon, but who knows, my writing schedule is a little wonky.

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