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A/N: Welp, I'm back! If anyone'e curious as to where I've been, the answer is college. I just finished my first year of college (Like, finished my last assignment an hour ago). I got SUPER into Broadway. And I'm on tik tok now (kayleighgould01 ;vD) and I've only really been working on my book (It's a real book! All the characters are my OC's! =vD) as far as writing, but work and school have had priority. I'd say this series is still on hold, but it was irking me I never finished this book. Who knows, I might finish the series one day, ive still got it all planed out lol. The issue is mustering up the energy to wrote, but look! I did it! I hope you enjoy (If anyone is still reading this that is)Oh yea, what did everyone think about Frozen 2? I loved it though it won't effect this story. I DO have an idea for a Jelsa fic including Frozen 2, but I should probably finish this first lol


The moment the blade went through Elsa's chest all of the cold in Jack's body left him.

"ELSA!" He screamed, scrambling to his feet, just catching her body before it hit the frozen ground.

The winds around them game to a sudden stop, leaving small snowflakes stuck in midair.

Without a word, Keres erupted into flames and disappeared, she was the least of Jacks problems.

"Please!" He whispered to Elsa's lifeless body, "Please don't be dead!"

Slowly, as if excepting her death, the snowflakes sank to the ground. Where they landed the ice began to melt.

The Magical Winter was over, at a cost.

Across the kingdom, people rejoiced as the watched the snow melt away, and the air warmed up. Princess Anna sat behind her love, resting against his back as they rode to the castle on the back of his reindeer. Not long after arriving to the castle she informed everyone of Prince Hans' treachery.

The guards the Prince had been leading were quick to turn against him as soon as the word reached them. He was captured and held in a dungeon as he waited for a boat to be prepared for his return to the Southern Isles.

When the Queen never returned the Kingdom assumed she'd run off after fixing it all.

Princess Anna led a search for the Queen that lasted months, until she was forced to accept that she would never see her sister again. Her only wish on her own coronation day being that Elsa was happy, where ever she was. However, that's several months in the future.

After the ice began to melt, Jack picked Elsa's body up and flew it to the grassy shore.

"I told you to run." He cried, unable to take his eyes off of the charred hole in the middle of her chest, "Why didn't you listen?"

He sat there for the rest of the day, staying put as the sun set, and the moon rose to the middle of the sky.

When the hole in her chest began to glow Jack thought he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, but there was no making it up, the hole in the middle of Elsa's chest has begun to glow faintly. He watched in awe as the hole healed itself, like ice had stitched the wound together.

Her dress froze along with it, until it looked as if she was simply asleep.

Just when he thought it couldn't get weirder, Elsa's eyes fluttered open.

"J-Jack?" She stammered, sitting up, looking at him, "What, What happened?"

Then, a soft wind through the trees around them.

Elsa's head snapped upwards, looking at the moon.

"You healed me?" She whispered

"He's talking to you?" Jack looked up at the moon, Why couldn't he hear?

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now