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Jack sat on the edge of the lake. Never going in, despite this being where he'd lived for a hundred years, thought of going in the lake made his stomach clench.

As he sat, he came aware of a strange feeling. A feeling he'd only felt once in his life. He felt something cold on his chest.

Lifting up his white tunic, he saw a thin layer of frost spiderwebbed over his heart and the left side of his chest. Stopping under his color bone, and armpit.

Running his hand over the frost, he attempted to melt it. Imagining it turning into harmless water droplets that would roll off of him onto the ground. He attempted to melt it, but nothing happened. The frost stayed where it was, rooted to his skin.

The more Jack tried, the more frustrated he would be come. The more frustrated he was, the colder the area around him got. Had he had a clear head he would have calmed down, for the sake of the probably confused townspeople.

No matter how hard he tried to thaw it, clawed at it or rubbed the frost, it wouldn't leave. He was left feeling confused and a little scared.

He was Jack Frost! Spirit of Winter! He shouldn't get cold! Ice was supposed to do as he said.

Then again, as he'd just learned, he wasn't the only one that could control ice.


Jack jumped to his feet, if he couldn't thaw the frost, perhaps she could!

Racing through the air, his cloak hitting his feet, the wind hugging his body, Jack flew over seas and the ocean, through mountains, to where he knew Elsa would be.

He found her where he'd left her. In the room his the balcony, but she wasn't alone. A girl with strawberry blonde hair was in the room with her. At the front door, a man with blonde hair sat sulking.

Neither girl appeared to see Jack when he landed, too caught up in their argument.

From what he'd gathered, the girl was Elsa's sister, Anna, and she wanted Elsa to come back to their kingdom.

Jack knew immediately what the problem was, it was no secret to him that the surrounding mountains weren't supposed to be covered in snow this time of the year.

But as it turned out, Elsa hadn't realized the extent of the winter she'd caused.

Growing anxious, Elsa began to make it snow in the very room they were in.

It became clear to Jack that Anna couldn't see him has he ran to Elsa's side in and attempt to calm her. But Elsa was stuck inside her own head.

The snow around the three of them fell harder and faster, swirling around them until Elsa let out a scream in anguish. Jack watched in awe as the snow she'd created folded in back inside of Elsa, and then shot out in all directions.

Blocking the ice with his staff, Jack was saved from the damage a blast of ice like that could cause. Anna, with no such powers, was not so lucky.

The ice went right through her, surrounding her heart. Clutching her chest the girl fell to the ground, the man Jack had seen outside seemed to have heard them as he can running to the room, yelling her name. He wrapped his arms around her as he helped the princess up.

For a moment Elsa seemed to consider questioning the mans identity, but she decided that it wasn't important, and demanded her sister leave.

Jack has to hand it to the red head when she defiantly announced she wasn't leaving with out Elsa. The girl was stubborn.

"Yes you are!" Elsa choked out, waving her hand at the ground.

A cloud of snow swirled around the space in between the sisters, and upwards.

Realizing some part of what was about to happen, Jack gasped, "Elsa! No!" But the Queen didn't heard him. Or perhaps she ignored him.

A monster of ice formed before their eyes. Snow making out most of its hulking body, but prices of jagged ice stuck out on its elbows knees and back. It picked up Anna and the man and carried them out of the room, and presumably out of the castle.

Elsa turned, and gave Jack a shocked look, as if seeing him for the first time.

"Elsa?" He whispered.

She fell into his arms, falling into uncontrollable tears.

"My kingdom!" She sobbed, "My sister."

With his arms wrapped around her, he gushed her, assuring it would turn out ok, not knowing that for sure himself, all the while watching the spikes of ice that grew out of the walls and corners of the floor.

He had not forgotten his reason for coming, but Jack knew it would be better if he waited to ask for her help. As he held Elsa, stroking her back and comforting her back, the frost seemed unimportant.


It took some time for Elsa to calm down enough that the mere thought of what had happened caused her to break down into sobs.

The two sat in the floor of the balcony room, not talking much. When they did, it was mostly Jack assuring Elsa and helping her calm down, the spikes of ice growing, making the room feel more like a prison than anything else.

Finally, when it had been several minutes since Elsa had fell into sobs, Jack drew up the courage to ask a question. One of the few things Elsa didn't tell him about during their talk the night before.

"Why aren't you and Anna close anymore?" He whispered, looking Elsa in the eye. 

Elsa shifted her gaze, and looked out at the balcony, "I told you I've had my powers as long as I could remember," she began, and Jack nodded, "Well, when we were little, Anna knew about them." She smiled, as if remembering the times they must have had, "We had so much fun."

"I'm sure you did." Jack murmured, memories he couldn't quiet remember dancing around in his minds eye.

"We used to get in trouble for sneaking out of bed and playing in the ball room!" Elsa laughed, Jack smiling along with her, then her smile faded, a deep frown replacing it not a ghost of her smile remaining, "Then one night we snuck out, and we played. We did the same stuff we always did!" Small cold tears began to form in her eyes, this not going unnoticed but Jack, but none threatened to fall yet, "Then she started to jump in the hills of snow. And I would make another. They got taller and taller! She was going to fast. I tripped and when I tried to catch her-" Elsa cupped her hand over her mouth unable to continue, the tears falling down her pale cheeks.

"You hit her didn't you?" Jack asked quietly. The question hung above them for just a few heartbeats before Elsa was able to give a slow nod.

The two sat in silence, what can you say after that?

They sat sitting, staring out at the balcony, watching as the sky turned from light blue, to rosy pinks, and finally as the last light of the sun peaked over the white mountains, a deep blue the color of the ocean during a storm.

And then they heard commotion outside the palace.

With a look, Jack knew Elsa was thinking the same thing he was.

Someone was attacking the castle.

I promise I'll be doing more chapters with Elsa's POV, I really don't intend for it all to be from Jacks POV any way, I intend to have the next chapter out soon, but a new semester starts in the morning (why on a Tuesday and not Monday I'll never know) so who knows. Senior year is freaking hard and every time I have free time I just want to binge watch stuff. Enough excuses though, I do have a plan for this (while loosely following the original) and I'm really exited for where it's going. I hope everyone is enjoying the new year!

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