Chapter 3

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Yoongi's POV

What the hell is happening this is all happening too fast. I fell like I'm either moving in slow motion or the world is moving a million times faster than normal. First, the alpha mates kiss me then I'm sitting in the living room being squished by two huge alphas with everybody in front of us and going over the pack rules? HELP!

" Our hidden omega here has broken the rules. 

Rule # 1: Never lie to your alphas. " Namjoon sighed heavily. I looked down in shame.

" Yoongi I'm sorry I shouldn't have exposed you so aggressively like that " Namjoon looked at me for some type of emotion I promise you I couldn't show any. I looked like a dead corpse of a criminal that had been freshly executed. All I could think was 'I'm done for'.  

" Yoongi? Come on being as Omega isn't that bad. Plus we have alphas surrounding to protect us. No one could hurt you." Jin said trying to help me think positive.

" If you are worried that we will treat you differently I can assure you that we won't. We may have to watch and take care of you more often but that's not that much of a change." Jungkook as pitched in to lighten the mood.  If only they knew how much I hate being an omega would they stop? I don't hate Omegas I just hate that I am one.

Hoseok moved in front of me lifting me head up to face him. I feel the tears still trickling down my face. "Say Yoongi why do you hate being an Omega?" I froze.

"Have you ever thought what it's like to be the only Omega in a bloodline of pure breaded Alphas? Would you pity that omega?" I whispered.

" No, I wouldn't. I bet it must be, No it is very hard to live like that" Jimin answered. I looked up at him in awe. No one has ever answered No before it was always yes. Jimin smiled at me I didn't see hate in his eyes only admiration and love. 

" Now our little-hidden omega we're going to set some new rules and we're going to make sure you follow them" I shrunk a little.

" New rules?"

Our Hidden Omega; SopeminWhere stories live. Discover now