i want her

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i want her
life just feels so worthless without her
i want to have happiness back
i was happy with her
i felt happy when i was in her embrace
i want to feel that again
her love, it was fake, but it felt so real
i hope to receive a text from her one day saying that she wants to get back together
or maybe even have courage to heal the wound between us
i want to be approached by her
and i want her to walk back into my life again
i kinda wish that this was all one elaborate prank and that i would wake up from this terrible nightmare
i want those lips on my cheek again
and those arms around me, never letting me go
i want her to say that all those mean things she said are not true and that she truly did love me

but its all just wants and i know the reality is very different

i know its a curse
because even if love was labeled 'poison' we'd still drink it
we'd still let it fill our hearts up and squeeze out all the air in them until theres nothing left but an empty, hollow shell

and then starts the cycle,
the cycle of love
your heart loses all life after a bad break up,
and you fill it back by getting into another relationship
this person breaks your heart
you never learn
you keep making the same mistake of falling in love
you forget that its a curse
you forget that it hurts
you keep going because you believe it will get better
but honestly, it doesn't

so here goes, the story of my break up
and the story of me healing from the break up

/i hope you guys maybe sorta like it, i know i know its really really short but i hope it was still good enough/

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