part one

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Fear rushed over your body when you heard the door open. You placed your hand over your mouth to conceal the sounds of your breathing. Sitting curled in a ball in your tiny closet, listening as his heavy footsteps moved across your apartment.

This happened almost every night. One thing goes wrong in his day, and you suffer. You didn't understand why you even hid anymore, he always found you. Maybe, it's the idea that one day he won't. That he'll just forget about you, and you'll be free. It is a hope that never came true. You always hid, and he always got you.

The sounds of his muffled curses filled your ears. You saw him enter the room, through the crack in the door. He seemed more angry than usual. Throwing his bag to the wall, and smashing the lamp on your nightstand. His eyes were scanning the room, looking for something, looking for you. You closed your own tight, as if you couldn't see him, he couldn't see you. You felt tears started to run down your face, with the realization there is no way out.

You were stuck, frozen in fear, skin going cold at the thought of him. He was the monster that haunts you when you sleep. The ghost that followed you when you woke. You couldn't avoid him, no matter how hard you tried. You were locked in his prison, his property until the end of your days.

"I know you're in here, bitch. No reason to hide, I'll find you sooner or later." His words made your body run cold. It wasn't the first time you had heard them, but it was different this time. He had more hate in his tone, more evil. "I always do."

Your body covered itself in goosebumps, as your fear intensified. You pulled your legs closer into your chest as a shield of sorts. Burying your face into your knees, hands shaking as you held them tight to your legs, tears soaking them.

He continued his hunt for you. Looking under the bed, even behind the curtains. You knew he is teasing you, taking his time to draw out every bit of your fear. He probably knew where you were the moment he walked in the apartment. It wasn't like there were many places to hide.

After about five minutes, he stopped searching. Eyes falling on the closet doors in a second. He said nothing, only moving towards the door. Your breathing started to speed up with beat of your heart. Your warm tears falling down your face, harder than before. You had two options. You could take whatever he had coming for you. Or you run, and if he caught you? You didn't want to think about what he'd do then. You hated the thought of letting him take his anger out on you, and doing nothing to stop it. You also didn't like the thought of what he would do if he caught you running.

He was right in front of the door, and you needed to make your decision. His hand turning the knob, you made it. The moment the door was open, you hit it hard smacking his body. He stumbled off his feet, as you bolted for the front door. Your vision blurred by your tears, you fumble with the knob. Your hand holding it tight, trying to turn it. That's when a large hand gripped your shoulder, pulling you back hard. You screamed out as he pulled your body to the floor.

Your head hitting the floor hard, you felt dizzy. The ceiling was fuzzy as your vision became more unclear. Laying still your body beats with pain. You saw him standing over you. His face red with rage. In a swift motion, he leaned down over top of you. Pinning you down, he placed his hands around your neck pushing down hard. You didn't fully realize what was happening, until you were gasping for air.

"Trying to run? You should know better than to run from me." He knew what your answer would be, but asks the question anyways. His grip on your throat becoming stronger.

You felt your eyes shutting, losing consciousness, when his hand let go. You took in a deep breath, trying to regain some oxygen. You wanted to cry out in pain, but your neck was too sore to make any noise. After you are breathing again, his hands placed themselves back on your neck. You tried to raise your hands to hold him off, wrapping your thin fingers around his. You used every bit of energy to pull his hands from you. It didn't faze him, only making him push harder. He pushed down on your throat at a slow pace. Easing into you as his hold became more powerful. His pleasure obvious as he took his time suffocating you.

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