part six

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You had avoided Chanyeol at all costs. After the night, you left, he wouldn't stop calling and texting you, trying to make sure you were okay. You weren't. Not one bit of you was okay. You were a mess.

It had been one month since then, after two weeks Chanyeol had got the message and stopped calling. You didn't want to think about how he was feeling, it hurt you too much. You tried to think about anything else.

You knew that it was the right decision. Chanyeol would be safe now. That was all you cared about. He was better off without you anyway. He could find someone new, someone, who wasn't ruined and broken inside.

You missed Chanyeol more than you hoped you would. You wanted leaving him to be easy, that the moment you walked out the door he was forgotten. It wasn't that easy. Chanyeol had become a part of your life and being without him was nearly impossible.

You hadn't slept in weeks, your nightmares too much to handle. They only grew worse as the days went by, all the dark thoughts in the back of your mind coming to haunt your sleep. Chanyeol made them better, but he wasn't around anymore. You had to deal with them alone.

You felt like your life had been put on hold. You moved through the days knowing that you were going nowhere. You were only moving closer to the day you would be faced with him again.

"Hey!", you called after Chanyeol. "What was that for?" Running up behind him, you wrapped your arms around his stomach, snuggling your face into his back.

He turned around in your arms, looking down at you. His signature smile came to his lips as he kissed the top of your head. "Ah, no reason."

You stared up at him in disbelieve. "Un-huh, sure. My face is covered in ice-cream because of you."

He shrugged his shoulders, laughing at the look on your face. It was indeed covered in ice-cream. Your skin coated in pink from the strawberry flavour he was eating only minutes before. "You look cute."

You smacked his arm. "You're an asshole," you huffed.

"An asshole who loves a girl who looks good in pink." Chanyeol rubbed his nose against yours, getting some of the ice-cream on it. You blushed at the action, pulling him in close and wiping your face on his shirt. When he realized what, you were doing, he tried to step back, but you held him too tight. "Hey, what is this?"

You pulled your face away from Chanyeol's chest and grinned. "Payback." Quickly, you ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. You pushed your body against the wood.

"Wait up!" You listened as his footsteps rang through the house. He knocked on the door. "C'mon, let me in."

You turned and locked the door and walking across the room, taking the towel from the rack. "Nope, you can stay out there." You turned on the sink and ran the water over the towel. Once it was wet, you brought it up to your face and wiped the remaining bit of pink from it. "What an ass," you whispered to yourself when the ice-cream was gone.

You put the towel on the counter and unlocked the door, leaving the room. When you walked into the bedroom. Chanyeol was pulling his shirt over his head. You could see the muscles in his back tighten as he pulled the fabric off.

Jokingly, you whistled, causing him to turn around. He covered his stomach with the shirt. "Ah, can't you see I'm getting dressed?"

You laughed at him, waving a hand in the air. "Stop being such a girl, I've seen it all before."

He grinned at the remark, tossing the shirt to the floor and walking over to you. "You're right."

You flipped your hair over your shoulder. "I'm always right."

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