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Sehun was your ruin.

Chanyeol was your redemption.

Heartbreak. It was the foundation of everything. All the pain in your life led back to that one word. A hard word to most, but to you, it meant everything.

The aching in your chest, the pain in your mind, it was all because of heartbreak. You spent years of your life desperately calling for someone to love you. To return the love you lost to Sehun. He broke your heart more times than you could ever count.

It took a long time to overcome it, to move past all the pain and find the light. It wasn't until you found Chanyeol that you realized you could move past it. It was hard at first, being able to open up to someone else, letting them see you for all the damaged parts you were.

Chanyeol, somehow, made it easier. Even if he didn't know what was happing to you, he stuck around till the end. Taking a bullet for you. He stayed through it all.

Because Chanyeol loved you and you loved him. While Sehun stole everything from you, Chanyeol gave it all back. He gave you something to live for, gave you that burning in your chest when you weren't around him. He filled the emptiness in your heart.

Chanyeol was your saviour. If it weren't for him, you would be back with Sehun, living the life you feared so much.

It had been almost two years since you last saw Sehun. Two years since you started truly living again. It seemed so short when you thought about it. But, in those years, many things had happened. You moved in with Chanyeol, allowing his home to be your own. One where you weren't afraid to walk through the door, scared of what was on the other side. It was home, your home.

You were asleep in his arms when you felt his fingers wrap around yours. You were cuddled into his chest, your legs tangled together. His hot skin burned against you, but you loved it. How it always reminded you he was there. That he was never going anywhere.

Your head rested on his arm, which was stretched out under your neck. You could feel his warm breaths against your skin, the rhythmic shots of heat calming to you.

These were the moments you lived for. The silence between you, the nothingness. Everything you would ever need to say, he already knew.

Time seemed to slow when you were with Chanyeol. The world coming to a halt, so you could savour every second. Like it knew you wanted it to. After years of suffering, you were given time to get your life back.

In a life where you thought happy endings didn't exist, you were given one. Given Chanyeol, this shining ball of life. With a smile that could make you forget all your worries, anything that would ever hurt you.

You tensed at a cold feeling around your ring finger. A feeling too cold to be Chanyeol's hands. Your eyelids fluttered open, seeing only the darkness of your room. The shadows of the furniture were visible in the dark.

Something sparkled in the corner of your eye, catching your attention. You looked down at the object, seeing the source of the cold on your finger. You leaned in to get a closer look to find a silver band around your finger.

You were in shock at the sight. The band glowing under the faint moonlight, that shined through the curtains. It could only be one thing. You knew what it meant and you knew your answer. There was no question needed, Chanyeol knew that too.

He lifted your hands up and kissed the top of them. His hot lips burned against you. He rolled you onto your back and leaned over top of you. "Do you like it?"

You stared into his dark eyes, watching them reflect the minimal light. "Yes," you breathed. "It's perfect."

It was. Chanyeol was everything you ever wanted or needed. He was your future, the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Nothing could ever change that.

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