My name is Jungkook

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The summer in Ohio was boring as hell. There was nothing to do around here.

I was so bored, that I managed to count about 1000 rocks that were laying in my backyard.

In order to occupy myself from Boredom, I would help my mother around the house by cleaning the dishes, making the beds around the house, and cooking food.

I guess I was mature for my age as a nineteen year old.

At the time, I graduated from my local high school and I was taking courses in college.

I wanted to become an architect because I loved creating new ideas and projects. When I was around nine years old, I once used a bunch of popsicle sticks, strips of cloth, rocks, and markers to make a model of my own amusement park. Most kids at nine draw stick figures. I guess I was advanced as a kid or I was just a nerd.

As the years progressed, In my junior year of high school, I took an after school program that consisted of making a model of the planetary system.

I had to use items from my house in order to construct a full blown display of the solar system.

Shockingly, I won $500 dollars since I won the competition against twenty other students. I used that money to help me pay for my college that I used to attend to.

I'm great with creativity, but I wasn't the best at mathematics. I always made dumb mathematical errors and I was always stuck when trying to solve word problems.

However, I did get better at math progressively throughout high school and because of this achievement, I got accepted into a good college that was known for architecture....

A few days later and I remembered the paper the boy gave me...

I needed to call him ASAP!

After doing the dishes that night, I ran into my bedroom and I quickly called him.

Pressing each button on my phone made the palms of my hands become sweaty and sticky and my heart to beat increasingly fast.

A few moments later and the phone started to ring.

No one answered. Maybe the boy doesn't answer calls from strangers or maybe he was busy. I decided to text him and let him know who I was.

The message read:

Marissa: Hey! You gave me your phone number the other day after the ride you offered me from the supermarket. My name is Marissa by the way. Call me when you get the chance? 😋

I shut my phone and I instantly regretted what I just texted the boy.

I mumbled, "idiot, why did I text him like that."

Then my phone vibrated. HE TEXTED OMAGOD.

Jungkook: Hey, I'm so glad you managed to call me back! Oh and you're right I don't answer calls from strangers, but I'm glad I know it's you! Right now I can't talk because I'm currently eating dinner with my family.
How was your day though and my name is jungkook 😇

I jumped out of my bed and I quickly started to moonwalk. Ahhh, I even blush when he texts meeeeee!!! I fixed my hair and I hopped back onto my bed. I waited a good five minutes and then I texted him this:

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