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"Hera!!! Ireona (wake up)!" I heard my best friend Baekhyun said. He comes dashing into my room. How come he's
here early in the morning? ISTG he's so noisy!

"Ppali! (Faster)! We're almost late!" He shout near at my ears making my eardrums almost burst. Gosh how I hate being waken up.

I sit up from my bed and stared at him blankly. "Aren't you gonna get ready for school?!" He shout once again.

"Ok! Just go! Gosh you're ruining my beauty rest." He chuckled. He was about to leave my room when he once turn around and see me ready to sleep again. "Yah! We're almost late! You're so stubborn" he sigh. "Oh you would know how much I would like to punch your face" he laugh.

"No. You should know how much I love you" I muttered. He look at me. "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" I said and rushed to bathroom. You would never know Baekhyun. NEVER.


Ok so let me introduce myself. I'm Ji Hye Ran or you can call me Z.Hera for short. I'm 21 years old. I have a best friend named Baekhyun. Baekhyun is one year older than me and we have the same birthday. Destiny right? No? Ok.. So as you can 'read', almost every morning my best friend Baekhyun is always at our house. I'm a stupid girl who's inlove with my best friend. I try to let go this feelings of mine but it really wouldn't. And it hurts me.

Sorry for this short chapter but I promise to make it longer next time.Please bear for my bad  grammar. I'm not really used to speak english. I'm just 12 years old FYI. 😅😅. Please vote and wait for my next update.

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