New student???

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I came back with my BaekHera feels with this. 😂👆🏻Anyway back to the story.

At School...

When we enter the campus, all girls that we pass by starts fangirling over Baekhyun. He's famous at the school btw for he is a funny fellow and a talented one (He sings). Of course as always, I'm at by his side (flips hair) kekeke. But the people get used to it because they all know that were JUST FRIENDS.

We're heading to my locker when suddenly a beautiful girl caught my attention. She's beautiful. But.. this is the first time I saw her here at campus. Is she by the way a new student? I also realize that Baekhyun is also looking at her. I suddenly get jealous.

Suddenly the girl approached us and asked. "Excuse me, can you tell me where is the faculty office? I'm kinda new here" Even her voice is sweet. But... kinda flirty.

"We can take you there. Right Hera?" Baekhyun said and looked at me. "But we need to go to my locker." I said.

"It's ok you don't need to, thanks by the way" she said while looking flirty at Baekhyun. Baekhyun did not say anything. He just stay silent and kinda sad. Just when as the girl was about to leave, Baekhyun was looking at her nonstop so I let him lead her to the faculty room. Of course I need to go to my locker to get my books. (Even when you love someone you need to let him go. And last but not the least, even when you love him don't let yourself be fail in class because of him!!!).

I just stare at them walking away. Ugh!!! Such a flirty guy! You're lucky! Cause I love you... hihihihi

Actually I am preparing to confess to Baekhyun that's why I wrote a letter because I'm too shy to tell him personally but I'm not sure if we will still act like before if he know what I truly feel for him.

As I was about to leave, I stop for a moment and stares longingly at my confession letter. I was wondering if I would continue my confession or not. Then I brought the letter back to one of the pages of my book and proceed to walk to my classroom.

At classroom...

When I enter the classroom, luckily the teacher is not there yet. But I already saw Baekhyun in my seat. I walk towards him. "Get up that's my seat." I said to him coldly to let him know I'm mad hehehe.

"Oh come on~ I'm sorry. Please~ forgive me~." He whine like a kid. Suddenly he got up and hugs me FRIENDLY (I know it hurts but... yeah).

I suddenly realize myself was smiling. Ugh! He makes me go crazy.

"It's ok" I smile at him reassuring him that's it's ok. Your lucky that your cute enough to make me soft.

He back away and walk back to his chair.

And the teacher comes in. "Ok class we have a new student today." The class starts gossiping and whispering at to who it is. Is it a girl? Or a guy?. "Please come in"

I am suddenly being curious at who it is... hehehe. Guys! Who do you think the new student it? Please leave a comment. Comment also for your thoughts in this story. Hope you like it~❤️

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