Now What?

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So Im updating surprise.,... i am so sorry i haven't updated in a long time its just... 

School, Its stressful. And having writers block is too. But I bring you this (I Hope its long enough) And I Loveeeeee getting notifications I get like 1000 of them tbh lol  BTW (Izuku will be deku pov for the purpose of making my job easier and Katsuki with be Katsuki because I forgot how to spell Kanchan oh.. there ummmm haha (deku will also call him katsuki)>

Dekus prove.

..... The last thing that I remember is. The feeling of something bashing the back of my forehead.

Katsuki's prove

I suddenly hear the smashing of glass behind me I turned around  see half a bottle in  his mother's hand.

All I see is a sadistic smile on her face.

"Nothing, I just don't think a worthless piece of shit, should be able to walk this Earth.

"Now why would you abuse your own kid, the one you carried in your womb for 9 months, now tell me WHY"

"It's his fault that Lotor's dead." (If you get the reference I owe you a cookie)

"How is it his fault he's dead explain because your story isn't adding up."

"Well, When I told lotor, that I was pregnant with him. H-He just looked at me in what looked like disgust. If he was never even made then he would have stayed, it's all his fault."

I sigh, remembering what my mother told me. She told me the real story.

" News flash but that wasn't why he left you dumbass."

"Well then why, huh he loved me with all his heart, he said he would never leave me so WHY!"

" You want to know the truth. The real truth,because don't think I don't know know, I'm sooooo sorry he decided to CHEAT ON YOU, AND I GUESS YOU BEING PREGNANT WITH HIM WAS WHY HE FINALLY LEFT, HE LIED TO YOU,HE never loved you in the way that you think he did, he was just using you. And when he was done he left and never came back. SO DONT GO BLAMING IT ON YOUR OWN SON HES STILL JUST A KID HE COULDN'T HAVE MADE HIM LEAVE, HE WASNT EVEN ALIVE YET. "

She shuddered," uhh I um well I was never told that he was cheating on me,he said he would go out with his friends every night."

" He was lying, now your lucking I'm not going to fucking kill you. All your going to do is go to jail for child abuse."

"Well then Whata going to happen to him?"

" So nooowwwww your concerned for him, but he's going to live with me." as I said that the police arrive and grabs her. "Go ahead faggots I can't believe this, they are in the wrong more than me there homosexuals!"

"Ma'am you can tell us all about this in court." Was the last thing I heard as they dragged her to the police car.

I sighed, and lookes back I see deku on the floor glass all around him, in his head. I sighed agian , and picked him up. *he doesn't deserve this, he was just born into the world at the wrong time.*

"Mmmm" I hear deku groan.

"Hey are you awake if so its just focus on answering this question. Is there an end the the matrix?" I said trying to keep his mind off the pain in his head.

He started to mumble about the question as I get the glass out of his head and start bandaging it.

"Umm no I don't think so I don't exactly know why." He says as I finish up bandaging his head
"So um what exactly happened?" He said trying to remember.

" well when we were  heading out  you mom smashed a glass bottle on the back of your head knocking you out."

" o-oh ok, well um were is m-y mom?"

"She's going to jail for child abuse."

"B-but  where will I live.?"

" that depends your not old enough to live on your own so my mom would have to try to get you under her custody or you go into an child's home."

" I guess that I could ask your mother." 

That's all I can do right now but I'll try to update more don't count time on that tough. I love you guys and


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