Stop,please stop

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Before I start this I just wanna say, I'm sorry I haven't been updating life has been stressful and I'm even more stressed cause I'm starting highschool. I will update more just bare with me please, and once the story eventually ends it will go under heavy editing and changes will be
Made to the story, my grammar and punctuation is still bad but I have learned a lot so I will do my best to make the story as enjoyable as possible now

(another note i'm writing this on 8/8/2020 i want to start getting back into this i promise there will be more updates cause i'm more inspired, though i don't watch much of well any anime anymore, this will be of what i remember, and things i read, i still ship the ship, but i'm mostly doing this to write)

Izukus POV.

*Its my fault shes in jail, if I had just hid what I was going through better, or maybe stopped being so god damn worthless all the time. Maybe , just maybe.. my mother would actually love me. * (SIDE NOTE- * means thoughts/ mumbles). As I'm thinking Bakugo reminds me we need to start going to his house.

After a few minutes we arrive to his house, I'm nervous to confront his mother though I've known her almost my whole life.. we walk in and his mother is no where to be seen

"That's confusing she's usually home by now" Bakugo states as he starts to look around, getting more panicked each minute as he can't find his mother, as he checks his mother's room and knocks on the bathroom, he hears nothing. Swearing this is the only place she could possibly be, he has checked every inch of the house so far. He takes a leap of faith and opens the door to something unexpected.

When he looks in the bathroom he does not see his mother, but instead the bathroom window shattered (it's a small window for lighting) and a bit of blood on the ground. Knowing nothing was missing expect for his mother, he knew then she was kidnapped. Frighted he ran to the living room were deku was sitting fiddling with his hands and staring at the ground.

"Deku" katsuki pants out of breath, "my mother is missing, and I'm going to find her, you stay here incase they come back" katsuki then runs out the front door not letting deku have a say

It was around 3 he rushed out...

Over the course of 5 hours deku mainly overthinked. He convinced himself that the disappearance of katsuki a mother was his fault, that he had to be some sort of factor on why they took her. He felt like he was at fault for everything that has happened, his mother going to jail, katsuki s mother going missing. Overwhelming thoughts started to rush his head. He started to breathe heavily , things were dizzy and he started sobbing.
Then bakugo walks in on deku having a panic attack after getting back, and trying to calm deku down.
As he reached deku , he was slapping his head, and rocking back and forth and started screaming


Then breaking down and sobbing more, eventually bakugo calmed deku down he asked
"Are you alright ?"

"which answer do you want, the truth or the better one?" deku said with his head in bakugos chest.

"id rather here the truth" baku stated as he rubbed dekus hair.

"well i feel like shit and im not mentally stable, is that what you want to hear?" deku stated slowly falling asleep in bakugos arms.

"as long as you tell the truth i can help you, but for now, please sleep" bakugo says as deku falls asleep on his chest. He picks deku up and carries him to his room. 

Time skip~ next day 

deku woke up to something wrapped around his stomach, he started to freak out until he realized it was bakugo. He calmed down and just cuddled into his arms, hoping he wouldn't notice. all of a sudden his arms held him closer indicating bakugo was up, deku suddenly went red in the face, as Baku rested his chin on deku's shoulder.

"good morning" Baku said in his sleepy voice, deku just blushed harder and covered his face with his hands. bakugo just laughed and let go of him so he could stretch. deku got off the bed and headed for the bathroom to freshen up.

once he was finished, Baku went in after. while alone deku started thinking about the events that have happened in the past couple of days, he didn't want to continue to overthink so, he got onto his phone and started scrolling through Instagram. He saw something wrong though, because out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure, obviously someone was watching him, but as he turned his head to get a better look the figure disappeared. He heard the bathroom door open and freaked out thinking someone was there to hurt him or take him 

he turned around quick and just realized it was bakugo, he sighed in relief, and looked back at his phone, questioning weather or not im going crazy because the figure just disappeared. he decided to tell bakugo anyway.

"hey baku, um so while you were in the bathroom, i saw someone looking at me in the window but when i turned my head to get a better look they were gone. i swear im not crazy, there had to be someone there" he stated nervously, as he fidgeted with my hands.

"deku, calm down i believe you, and i have a feeling thats connected to my mother going missing." bakugo said

- there is the story so far, i hope its alright that its so late to be uploaded and ill work on updated as much as i can love ya babys and


Why? (bakudeku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя